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(You'll figure out who the picture is later in this chapter.)
I slipped out of bed around 6:00 A.M. I was trying very hard not to wake up Luke. He looked so peaceful and I didn't want him worrying about this mess I was in. I wasn't gonna leave today until I heard about Jasper so I left my mom and grandma a note saying I went to see a movie. I didn't even bother changing my clothes from yesterday. The only thing I changed was I put on some black leggings because it was raining that day. Once I got in my car I called Nate.
"Hey Nate it's Alex and I'm coming to the hospital is it the same one you were in?"
"Okay see yah there, Nate."
I hung up and started up my car. I was feeling sad so I put on some happy songs to try and cheer myself up.

It took me two hours to get there so it was around 8:00 A.M when I arrived at the hospital. The lady in the waiting room asked me who I was here to see.
"Jasper Dollnia."
"Okay. Do you mind in that boy over there goes with you?" She asks while pointing at Nate. I shook my head no. I looked at Nate and saw him wearing a green shirt with designs all over it. He had on black skinny jeans and black vans. He was asleep so before I went in to see Jasper I woke Nate up. Up close he had bags under his eyes and his hair was really messy.
"Nate wake up."
"Ugh Alex?"
"Yeah it's me. Now let's go see Jasper."
"Wait Alex." He grabbed my arm and looked me in the eyes.
"I'm so sorry about the thing with Lily. You were right I was just jealous and I made a huge mistake. Also no hard feelings, but I only like you as a friend I've realized."
"Well apology accepted and I only like you as a friend too if you haven't realized yet I'm aromatic. Now let's go see Jasper."
He nods and he walk into where Jasper is. I look at him and really hope with coma won't kill him.
"Hey Alex. Can I tell you something?"
"Yeah." I say while sniffling. I realized I was crying.
"My whole life I've loved Jasper. Not platonically. I love Jasper as a boyfriend because I'm.... I'm gay. I don't feel the same with girls as I do with Jasper and I don't know what to do. What if he doesn't feel the same way?"
"Nate I fully support you and I must say maybe Jasper doesn't like you back that way, but you'll find the right guy for you one day."
"Thanks Alex."
Then suddenly, like magic, Jaspers hand starts to move a little. Nate and I both looked at each other with hope. Jasper could be alive.
"Jasper are you there? Wake up we're here for you!" Nate exclaimed.
Jaspers eyes flutter open. I pulled him into a huge hug and so did Nate.
"G-G-guys." You could tell he was struggling to talk so we comforted him.
"Jasper, take your time." I said.
"I-I heard e-everything you j-just said."
Nate and I looked at each other in shock. Nate seemed to be panicking. I couldn't really blame him I would've been too.
"Jasper I-I---"
"Shh." Jasper sat up and leaned into kiss with Nate. It was adorable, really you should've been there. Anyways Nate looked shocked. Probably because he didn't expect Jasper to feel the same way, but I guessed he did.
"I've always f-felt the same way. I j-just wanted to impress you with Alex."
Most girls would've felt betrayed, but in all honesty I didn't care because they helped me realize who I was and I helped them realize who they were.
"You guys are adorable!" I exclaim after they kiss again. I guess this love triangle story is over. Bye!

Just kidding a lot more happened before we all got our happy ending, but the whole love triangle stuff is over now. More love triangles should end like this so one person isn't left without their crush, but I guess we just got lucky. Anyways back to the hospital.
"So how are you guys gonna tell your parents? I told mine a few days ago about being asexual." I asked them.
"How did they respond?" Nate asked.
"My mom and grandma fully support me. It was hard to get out though."
Neither asked about my dad because they both knew.
"My dad probably won't accept it, but I think my mom might." Nate says. His parents were divorced so if his dad didn't support it wasn't too big of a deal, he liked his mom much more anyways.
"My mom supports gay marriage I'm pretty sure." Jasper says. Hate to put him in this stereotype, but Jaspers dad left him when he was really young. Both Nate and Jasper decided to go to each other's families houses and see what they said. I thought it was a good idea so I let them go while I took the two hour drive back to my house.

Once I got home Luke greeted me at the door.
"That was a long time to be at the movies."
"It was a really long movie."
"Alex you left at like 6:00 A.M. It's 12:00 P.M."
"Where did you actually go, Alex?"
"Okay fine I'll tell you just don't tell mom or grandma."
"Okay I promise."
I lead Luke upstairs to my room and told him everything. He agreed it was adorable that Jasper and Nate are together now.
"Well don't worry your mom and grandma didn't wake up till later so they actually thought you were at a movie."
"Thank god."
I felt relieved my plan worked. Luke and I started watching YouTube videos on my laptop when I realized Luke didn't have any other clothes than the ones he was wearing. Well at least not with him.
"Luke where are all your clothes?"
"I forgot them."
"How about I go get them."
I told him my plan and he agreed. I grabbed a big trash bag full of stuff and went to Luke's house. I knocked on the door while Luke was climbing up to his window and grabbing his stuff. Luke's mom answered.
"Hello Janet. Do you remember me? It's Alex."
"Oh my dear Alex!" She exclaimed obviously remembering me.
"You've grown so so much! Why don't you come in." She said then opened the door wider meaning she didn't mean that as a question. I took a step inside and the house looked completely different. I'd only been to Luke's new house once right after he moved, but then we stopped talking. Janet walked into the living room and sat in the sofa. I sat down too. It was the same with the living room to the right and all that.
"Would you like some coffee or tea?"
"Tea would be nice." I said. I was supposed to be taking as much time as possible for Luke.
"Oh Alex did you hear about Luke?"
"No, what happened?"
She reappeared in the living room with tea for me and herself.
"He told me he was gay."
"Yes. I believe it's just a phase, but I kicked him out just incase he brought any other homosexuals into my household. We wouldn't want dear Lindsey seeing that."
Lindsey was Luke's younger sister. She was 14 or 15 at the time. I knew I was supposed to be giving Luke time, but what Janet said was so upsetting. The fact that someone could actually do that to their child sickened me.
"You know Janet that is very rude to say about your own son. Being gay isn't a phase it's just like being straight, it's how you were born."
"Alex, dear he's too young to decide if he likes men or not."
"Don't call me dear! He's 19 I think he's old enough to make his own choices. Also if kids can decide wether they're straight or not when they're young they can decide if they're gay or not!
"Alex, dear..."
"DO NOT CALL ME DEAR!" I shouted in so much anger.
She shouted back at me.
I screamed. It was a great Christian gay movie and touched my heart when I watched it a few years back. I knew she'd be confused at the sudden saying, but I was desperate for her to understand Luke better.
"I'M NOT WATCHING A GAY MOVIE!" She screamed and some spit flew out of her mouth.
"You know what? I don't care what you think. You're just some old woman living a low life. You'd never understand what it's like. Goodbye Janet."
I stormed out of her house. I was so angry I slammed her front door as hard as I could. I didn't know how to explain to her homosexuality is okay so I told her to watch that movie because it explains things so perfectly. I probably didn't do the best in saying there to give Luke time, but I was pissed. I ran home and cried in my room. Once Luke got home he actually had a lot of stuff from his house. I was glad.
"I heard what you said to my mom and I-I just thank you, Alex."
"I was just speaking my mind to her."
"That's why I love your mind, it's just like mine."
I smiled and so did Luke. I'm glad he was my best friend, but I was missing my college best friend so I texted Kelly about everything that's happened in the past few days. She ended up calling me.
"Hey Alex I got your text."
"I'm glad your thanksgiving break has been going well. Mine has been a bit lonely because Danielle is still gone, but I've been enjoying it with my family."
"That's great Kelly!"
We talked for half an hour about random things and for a while things seemed amazing.

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