Falling In Love With My Enemy's Brother (Chapter Twelve)

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Falling In Love With My Enemy's Brother by: Faerie_Writer


When I got home from my date Sunday, I was not questioned even once by my brother, which is very strange for him. I mean after all I HAD just gone a date with his archenemy, and was expecting a nuclear explosion of fury, or SOMETHING. Instead though, I got silence. Not one word slipped out of his mouth in protest. Not one.

It was actually really strange and sorta creepy. It was like he was moping around or something, and that was also something that made me worried, because Danny Rathmell NEVER moped.

Then again, you could say it was a blessing in disguise. Because though it was creepy that he wasn't exploding in my face in furry, the fact that he wasn't mad at me, helped me get over what happened the next morning at school.

Monday morning I walked into school and found everyone crowded into the hallway, reading the school paper with such focus, it was like they were each in their own little world.

At first, I didn't think anything of it, because Monday was the day of the week in which the new chapter for Arden's story (my story really) came out, so of course a lot of kids would be reading the paper.

But then I took a closer look and I realized that most kids had not flipped to the section of the paper where the story was kept. No, they were reading the front-page article. This was my first clue that something wasn't right.

My next clue was that the paper basket was totally empty. And I mean completely empty. Unlike how usually, since there were those few who didn't read the story, and there were one or two papers left, the basket was bone dry today.

In fact, since there didn't seem to be a lot of papers I actually saw two girls a little ways down the hall FIGHTING over what I guessed had been the last newspaper n the basket, and I mean tooth and claw fighting. They eventually formed somewhat of a treaty by agreeing to take turns reading the article.

I was about to ask them if I could read the article too, when Arden suddenly materialized next to me.

"Sam," she whispered to me, "Have you read the front page article yet?"

Arden whispering? That was the strangest thing so far. Arden didn't whisper, ever. Whatever was on her mind she said loud and proud. Something about how she, and everyone else for that matter, had been acting today, scared me a little bit.

"No I haven't bu-" I began, trying to whisper too, but apparently I was a little too loud, because Arden cringed, and there was a loud gasp of shock as one of the girls who earlier had been fighting over the paper cried out, "It's her!" and pointed to me.

The statement was met with glares filled with what ranged from hatred to disbelief.

I didn't get it.

What had I done? I mean, sure, I HAD been the center of attention for quite awhile, but really, I hadn't done anything to make the whole school look at me like they were looking at me now.

I hadn't done anything bad enough for the whole school to hate me.

And sure, some of the cheerleaders hated me, but that was just SOME of the cheerleaders. The vain stuck up popular part that figured I had stolen their precious eye-candy (or at least they THOUGHT I had) from them.

But seriously, what had I done to the rest of the school, to make them seem so obviously disgusted with me like they were now?

As I was pondering over all of this, the heads in the hallway had turned together in bonds of gossip. It was a loud sort of gossip, allowing me to catch some of the conversations;

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