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Emily's POV

hi, I'm emily. I was an ordinary girl. im a good girl with some bad habits. crush on someone about 4 years. he's got blonde hair, blue eyes, taller than me. thin but not too thin. series. white but not too white. kinda cute smile with big eyes. and im only a short girl with hazel eyes, not too white not to black. im got long blonde hair. I have a few friends. Among other things, sarah, Danialle, kelly, selena.

I woke up from sleep due to get a call from my bestfriend. "Oh Lord right now at 3 am on what she wants to call me at this time? I said quietly .. when I pick up a call from her. She seems to be excited and very happy. I'm so very strange and very sleepy. When I listening to the story told by her, I kept my broken heart and tears in silence .. I just found out that my crush, the boy that I really like to much confess he's feeling on my bestfriend. its break my heart to pieces. "babe, why are you silent? you're not happy to hear my story about? babe I love him already old then I was surprised when suddenly he confess to me about his feelings. I accept him with no doubt, "she said .." good for you, im happy for you but im sorry I got to go to sleep now .. enjoy your night bye "I put the phone why I could not hold back my feelings. My bestfriend along with my crush .. man I love for 4 years. I too love her. but now she's my own bestfriends? how it can not possibly happen? how I want to react after this? how can I face all of this?

that night, I felt like crying all day and didnt want to go to school. I was broken and could not keep going. it's too painful but today I only have to fake a smile so I can hide all the sadness so that no one saw. I dont want to feel guilty when bestfriend I can know everything. I just want her to be happy. but today is a new day. im wearing blue oceon tshirt when my short jean and snickers. I looked at mirror and smile while I said to my self " everything going to be okay "

when the break has arrived, Sarah and her new boyfriend came to my desk. and I felt very weak but I have to move on. and im pretend like I dont even cared. " so congrats to both of you. so brandon, why dont you tell me about your feelings to sarah. " I said while my heart were like stabbed many times. " its been a long period, im about 2 month ago, I see her and fell to her. so I had decided to confess my feelings. so last night, this beautiful angel is mine " im stared at him.. and sarah replied " stop it honey ! okay today, I wanna treat you guys. so wait for a second, I get our foods " brandon hold sarah's hand and said " takecare baby I love you " At that time, I imagine sarah was me. and how happy it if brandon mine .

everytimes, sarah going to tell me about brandon all the times. it s hurt me inside..

So, today is a very long day. after this I had to get used to dealing with all this. it is not very difficult. just need a little strength..
after the expiration of school, often sarah home with me. but now everything has changed. Sarah returned with brandon. oh my lord began to dominate myself overthinking

I when back home. my mother and my father was in the kitchen preparing dinner while my father read the newspaper "hi, my sweetheart. so how are you today? everything alright? my father ask me the questions that about everyday when I get home," im okay as before, "I replied while he kissed me." mom and dad, I want rest because I felt very tired, I'm gonna take a short break. I'll come down when dinner is ready. I walked into the room, and the diary I kept neatly arranged on shelves by the bed. so I start to write "i dont think people understand how stressful it is to explain what's going on in your head when you do not even understand it yourself. you dont know pain until you are staring at the mirror with tears streaming down your face, begging yourself to just hold on and be strong. i never really know where i stand in some people's life ... one minute they treat me like I'm something special, then nothing the next. No one believes me when I say I can literally taste the difference between tap water and bottled water stop saying they're the same. A big fuck you to making me think I really mattered for once in my damn life and then leaving me like I was nothing "

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