Chapter 20

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The next morning I woke up tangled in Zayn's embrace. It was a pretty good feeling to be honest. You know, aside from the whole 'I-can't-breath' thing, but I didn't mind all that much.

"Morning," I hadn't realized Zayn was awake.

"Morning," I replied, snuggling closer to him. I could stay like this forever if I could, but unfortunately, life had other plans.

"What are we gonna say?" Zayn asked. I didn't have to ask for further explanation, we both knew we had to think of something.

"We have to tell him the truth," I spoke the obvious.

"Of course," Zayn agreed.

I thought for a moment, "Let me speak to him first. Maybe then he'll be nicer to you or something?"

"Okay..." he seemed to agree, "You should probably go though. I don't think Liam would appreciate you being in my room."

With a quick peck on the lips, I left to get dressed. I chose jeans and a white blouse with a brown leather jacket over top and headed downstairs. Niall, Louis and Harry had cleared out by now (most likely at Liam's request) and that left just the three of us to talk/yell things out.

"So..." I said, sitting next to my brother.

"Yeah..." he replied awkwardly.

"Liam, we're sorry we lied to you, we really are," I said.

"I'm sure," he didn't seem convinced.

"We were just scared," I explained, "It all happened so fast and I didn't even know if I wanted to be with him for most of it."

"That makes me feel so much better," Liam replied sarcastically.

"Come on, Li," I said using my nickname for him.

"What do you want me to say, Mandi?" he asked, "You want me to say I'm fine with you lying and fooling around with one of my best friends? Because if that's what you want, I'm sorry but I can't help you."

"I didn't mean to," I said, "It just happened. I- I love him."

That seemed to take him by surprise, "What about Zayn then? Does he feel the same way as you?"

"Yeah," I smiled to myself, "He does."

Liam sighed, "Well, I guess I don't have much of a say in any of this then, do I?"

I shook my head, "Sorry."

Was this actually happening? Was my brother giving up? This moment should be documented.

"Can I talk to him then?" Liam asked. I wasn't sure what exactly he planned on saying, but I got Zayn anyway. He refused to tell me what it was about, but promised it wasn't anything bad. I decided to go with it, I could tell he was determined to keep it secret.

"So," I asked, "What now?"

"We do have one important thing to do," Zayn said.

"Really? And what's that?" I asked.

"Mandi," he said, looking into my eyes, "Will you go out with me?"

I smiled, pretending to think about it, "Of course."

Zayn wrapped his arms around me tightly and kissed me gently, "I love you," he said.

"I love you too."

It was the happiest moment of my life. Zayn and I were official and no one  was in our way. I felt like a million bucks, I was on top of the world. Who knows what our future will hold. Maybe one day we'll get married and have children together. Maybe we'll grow old together and maybe we'll spoil our grandchildren together one day. But that's the fun of it. No one knows what the future may hold. It is your job to live in the present and enjoy life while you can and I know I'll always be happy. As long as I have Zayn by my side.

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