Chapter 11

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I woke up the next morning on the couch, wrapped in a blanket. Aw, someone gave me a blanket! Anyway, I got up and started making myself breakfast. A few minutes later, Harry, Louis, Liam, Niall and Zayn joined me.

"Oh, so nice of you to make me breakfast," Zayn said, snatching the cereal I had just poured myself.

I grabbed the bowl from him, "Screw you, Malik."

"In your dreams," he responded with a smirk.

I muttered something unintelligible and continued eating my breakfast. Just then, I got a text from Nick.

'hey can we hang out?'

he asked.

'yeah where?'

I replied, happy to be able to leave the house.

'it's a surprise! i'll pick u up in a few'

he said.

'kk see u then'

I looked up at Liam, "Hey, can I hang out with Nick today?" I asked.

"If one of us is with you, then yes," he replied.

"Okay, who do I take?"

"It's Zayn's turn, I think," Liam said, avoiding my gaze.

"ZAYN? REALLY?!" I said, "Why can't someone else go?"

"We have a system, you see, it goes by age and, since Niall went with you and Elizabeth yesterday, the next person in order from youngest to oldest is Zayn," Louis explained, "Sorry, love."

"Why can't it go from oldest to youngest?" I argued.

"Well, if you want your 'big brother' to go with you, sure," Niall said.

Damn it. They were right, "Fine, I'll bring Zayn, but you better not bother us," I said glaring at him.

"I make no promises," Zayn responded with a grin.

I ignored his stupid asshole comment and went upstairs to get dressed. Suddenly, my phone alerted me of another text from Nick.

'oh btw bring a bathing suit'

it said.

I smiled and threw on this before running back downstairs.

"Oh, Zayn," I said, "Looks like we're going swimming."

Zayn smirked, but I could see the fear behind it, "Good," he said, "Just promise you won't drool over me, okay?"

I laughed, "Isn't it you who should be promising me?"

Before he could retort, the doorbell rang.

"Hey, Nick," I said, smiling, "So here's the thing. Liam's forcing me to bring one of the guys with us because of all the recent publicity...," I bit my lip.

"Okay," he said, "Who's coming?"

"Zayn," I said quietly, looking at my feet.

"WHAT?" Nick said.

"I'm sorry," I said, "I didn't have a choice."

Nick sighed, "It's fine," he said, "You don't need to apologize."

Just then, Zayn ran down the stairs, "Oh, hey Nick," he said, smiling sarcastically.

Nick glared at him, refusing to speak.

"Wow, someone's in a bad mood," Zayn said, smirking.

Nick clenched his jaw and put an arm around me, "Please tell me he won't be like this all day."

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