Chapter 6

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I woke up the next morning to the sound of Niall and Elizabeth talking and laughing in the kitchen. I went over to see what they were doing.

"Wait! So you've never tried Nutella?" Niall said in disbelief.

"Nope, I'm allergic to it," Elizabeth said, shrugging.

"Still, it's Nutella! How can you not eat Nutella?!" Niall asked. He brought his eyebrows together, like he was trying to figure out a complex equation.

"Maybe it has something to do with the whole death aspect?" I suggested, interrupting their conversation. 

Niall jumped as if he'd been caught doing something he shouldn't have and stared at his feet. Yeah, he so had a crush. 

Elizabeth smiled, "Something like that, yeah," she turned her attention back to Niall, "So Niall, what are you guys doing today?"

"Um, well, nothing actually. We have a concert tonight, but that's about it."

That gave me an amazing idea, "Hey," I asked, "Do you think Ebit could come? She could keep me company backstage and we could drop her off on the way back."

"Uh, I guess, you know, if she wants to, maybe," Niall said, looking at Ebit hopefully.

"Of course, I'd love to!" she said, "Let me just talk to my parents."

Niall smiled happily and watched her as she left the room. I followed her and as soon as we were out of earshot, said, "So do you like him?"

"What?" she asked, "Who?"

"Don't play blonde with me," I said, "Do you or do you not like Niall?"

With that question, she blushed a deep red and focused her attention to her hands, "Um, I, uh, a little?" she said.

"A little?" I asked skeptically. It didn't sound like 'a little' to me.

"Okay, so I like him," she admitted, "He doesn't like me back though so it doesn't matter...."

"Are you kidding me?" I asked, "He obviously has a crush on you! He can't stop looking at you!"

This just made her blush more (because, apparently, that's possible), "He does not!" she said.

"Oh he so does," I said, "I'll even ask him right now."

Elizabeth grabbed my arm, preventing me from leaving the room, "No! Please don't, I'm begging you!"

"Why?" I asked, "Don't you want to know?"

"Yes, but I don't want him knowing I like him if he doesn't like me! That would make things awkward!"

"But he does like you and I'm going to prove it," I said, trying to move my arm.

"Please, please, please don't," she begged.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't."

"Because I'm your friend and you love me?" she tried.

I sighed. As much as I hated not asking, I didn't want to ruin whatever trust we had right now. I'd just have to wait, "Fine," I said, "I won't ask, but he definitely has a crush on you. I can't believe you don't see it."

"No he doesn't!"



After Elizabeth called her parents, we all made breakfast together. It didn't exactly work out as we had planned and we ended up burning half the food, but we all had fun and that's what mattered. I think.

I was making pancake mix when, suddenly, a handful of flour was tossed at my head. I turned around, "Who did that?!" I yelled.

"Who did what?" Elizabeth asked.

"Someone threw flour at my head!" I said, trying to dust some of it off.

"Awwww muffin," Elizabeth said sarcastically, patting my shoulder.

I jokingly rolled my eyes at her, but not before noticing the smirk Zayn had plastered on his face. I turned on him and he quickly hid it, but it was too late, I already saw him. 

A smile played at my lips, "Hey Zayn....?" I said, taking a step towards him.

"Yeah...?" he answered as he took a step back.

I took another step forward and cornered him against the counters, "Did you throw the flour at me?" I asked.

"Maybe," Zayn said.

"Oh really?" I said, "I think you did."

"And what if I did?" he asked.

I grabbed the carton of milk, "Then this counts as payback," and with that, I poured the contents over his head.

Everyone was quiet for a few seconds before Louis broke the silence, "FOOD FIGHT!!!" he shouted, grabbing some eggs and throwing them across the room. I ducked and ran behind the counter for cover. There were squeals and shouts as people avoided getting hit and blurs of food being thrown everywhere. I grabbed a handful of whipped cream from the fridge and threw it as far as I could. it flew through the air and hit Harry right in the stomach. He collapsed to the ground, dramatically gasping for air, "Lou, I've been hit!" he yelled. 

Louis ran over and knelt by his side, "Harry!" he cried, "Stay with me, mate. You can't give up now!"

"But Louis.... I don't think.... I can hold on..... much..... longer...." Harry said before going limp.

"Noooooo!" Louis yelled.

"Okay guys," I said, laughing, "How about we go out for breakfast instead?"

Harry sat up immediately, "I'm in."

"Harry! You're alive!" Louis said making us all laugh again.


When we got back from lunch (apparently the food fight was longer than we thought), the guys had to get ready for the show, so Elizabeth and I talked backstage while they did sound checks and other 'important stuff'.

"Can you sing as well as your brother?" Elizabeth asked out of nowhere.

"Hardly, I sound like a dying cat!" I said, "There's a reason only one of us is famous."

"Oh, come on! You've got to be good at something," she said.

"Nope, 100 percent average." I said, "What about you? Any interesting talents?"

"Well, I can play guitar, but that's about it," Elizabeth said, "I probably sound worse than you when I sing."

"Wanna bet?" I asked, "I could make glass shatter if I wanted to. I've always wanted to play guitar, though. You're gonna have to show me sometime."

"Yeah, and then we can find your talent!" she said.

I smiled. This girl never gives up, does she.

Just then, we were interrupted by Liam, "Hey, Mandi, just a heads up. The show's starting soon, so if you need anything, talk to one of the stylists or something, okay?"

"Yeah, sure. No problem, " I said, "Good luck!"

"Thanks," Liam said, "Oh, and there's some stuff in the fridge. Feel free to help yourselves."

"Will do," I said.


After the concert, we all went back to the apartment. Elizabeth got to stay over again, but had to leave first thing in the morning because her parents were starting to wonder if she'd ever go back. This time, we were all pretty tired from the night before and wasted no time before going to sleep.

(Picture of Elizabeth above.)

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