Chapter 4

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The next morning I woke up with a pounding headache, 'Lovely,' I thought.

Downstairs, I could hear Liam and Zayn arguing.

"I can't believe you let my little sister have a drinking bet with you!" Liam yelled.

"Hey! It was her idea! Why don't you go yell at her?!"

"You're supposed to say NO!"

I covered my head with a pillow and groaned. I'm an idiot. Why did I even think about drinking in the first place? I should have known things would end this way.

"Mandi?" I heard a voice say. It was Liam, "You up?"

I mumbled something into my pillow that Liam took as a yes.

"And you're feeling...?"

"Amazing! What do you think?" I said, my voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Well it's not my fault you got drunk last night," he said defensively.


"Okay.... Well, I brought you some food and aspirin. Come downstairs when you're alive again," he set a tray down beside me and went back downstairs, closing the door behind him.


After eating, taking the aspirin, and drinking a couple glasses of water, I floated off into a dreamless sleep. About 5 hours later, I was awake and feeling better than I had this morning. I took a shower and changed into this before going downstairs to check on the guys.

"What time is it?" I asked, jumping on the couch.

"Um.... About 5:00 why?" Harry said. He was facing Liam in CoD and wasn't really paying attention. It was probably closer to 6:00.

"No reason," I said, watching them play. After a few minutes, I started realized that they were, actually, extremely bad at this game, "You guys are terrible at this, you know," I stated more to myself than them.

"Oh really?" Harry said with a challenging grin, "And I suppose you could do better?"

"Naturally," I said, tossing my hair back, "But I wouldn't want to hurt your man-pride so...."

Harry paused the game, "Okay, you're on!" he said as Liam passed me the controller.

I smiled. This should be fun.

About 5 games later (all five of which I won), Harry finally gave up.

"How the hell are you so good at this?!" he said, tossing his controller at the screen.

"Never mess with Mandi Payne," I said giving him a playful wink, "She'll destroy you before you even know what's happening.

Harry sighed and walked away (probably to go find Louis. I swear the 2 were always together). I rolled my eyes, 'Boys,' Just then, my phone blipped, letting me know I had a text. I checked my messages.

'hey what r u doing 2nite?' 

it was from Nick.

'Nothing y?'

'want 2 hang out?' 

he asked.


'k I'll pick u up in 10?'

'see ya'

I wasn't sure where we were going, so I decided to go with something simple. When the doorbell rang, I ran downstairs.

My Brother's Best FriendOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant