Chapter 2

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CHAPTER 2!!!!!!!!

(Angelic singing in the background)

Enjoy and PLEASE COMMENT!!!!!



"Alright, this meeting is now in session!" Chiron declared. All the head counselors looked up. A large fancy table had been built in the middle of the meeting room. A coffe machined was set ot the side, with a flat screen TV and popcorn machine.

"We need to plan on what we're going to do with the Romans!" Chiron said.

"Beat them up to show them who's better." Clarisse, the senior counselor of the Ares cabin, grumbled. "No!" Piper cried, standing up. "We can't just go in and start fighting the Romans! It'll ruin everything!" "Piper's right." Jason spoke besides her. Piper blushed. "The Romans are our allies. We need to work together to defeat Gaea.

"They copied us." Lou Ellen, the leader of the Hecate cabin, scowled. "Romans copied Greeks We were the first."

"You're just defending them because you're run of them!" Clarisse sneered. "He's one of us, too!" Piper snapped. She felt her ears burn at the attention.

"Clarisse," Chiron glared at the buff girl. She shuffled in her seat, muttering angrily. "I agree with Piper and Jason. The Greeks and Romans are on the same side. I'm sure Percy is there right now telling the Romans the same thing."

Everyone fell silent at the mention of their old hero Percy Jackson. Annabeth finally broke the tension. "War isn't the answer. The Greeks and Romans have to unite to defeat Gaea. Now, who agrees?" "I do!" Grover, a satyr, who was also the Lord of the Wild, stood up immediately. Annabeth told him that he and Percy were best friends, even before Percy had found out he was a demigod. Grover had been his protector.

Most of the counselors raised their hands. A few looked hesitant. Clarisse slumped in her chair. "Oh, c'mon! You guys really think we can defeat a bunch of giants and their big bad momma without the Romans' help?" Leo cried. A few seconds later, everyone had their hands up except Clarisse. "Clarisse, you may not like it, but you know it's the right choice." Thalia, who had joined the meeting even though she wasn't a senior counselor, snapped. Reluctantly, Clarisse raised her hand, gruumbling some really creative things.

"All right!" Chiron said. "Well we'll be arriving soon. Remember, we will treat them with respect, as they will with us. Their will be no fighting or insulting. We need to show them that we're not enemies."

Clarisse looked as if she were about to say something but quickly shut her mouth when Chiron glared at her. "This meeting is now over."

Everyone got out of their seats and walked out of the room. Grover walked out with Annabeth, his hooves clomping on the floor.

"This is gonna be harder than I thought." Jason groaned. "Take a chill pill, Jason." Piper said sympathetically. Jason must be going though a lot.

Also, Piper was going nuts. She knew nothing about Jason's old home. How were his friends like? And did he have a girlfriend? Piper knew she was being selfish, but she couldn't help it. She liked Jason, but felt uncomfortable if he already had a special girl at the Roman Camp.

"I still thik this isn't going to be easy." Jason sighed. "What do you think, Leo?" They stopped when he didn't reply and turned around. Leo was tagging behind, messing with some gears furiously, assembling them, breaking them down, and putting them back togehter again, muttering some uncomprehendible words. But really he was staring down at the floor, as if in a daze, shados seeming to cover his eyes. "Leo?" Piper said loudly. "LEO!" "Huh?" Leo looked up as if he'd just heard them. "What?"

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