Chapter 16: The Truth

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Chapter 16: The Truth

The next morning I found myself waking up at 4:30. The sun was already rising and beaming through the cracks in the window shades. I couldn't sleep at all the previous night. When I'd gotten home Elena told me about her run in with Damon and how he found out the truth about Isobel and the connection to Elena and Alaric. Elena said something about a man giving her a message last night to stop looking for Isobel, after going to Trudie's house to learn more about Isobel. The man ended up getting hit by a car, he must have been compelled. But now Elena knows that Isobel must be alive, but not in the way we all were hoping. So as you can see I was pretty busy with everything going on inside my brain to even think about sleep. So here I am sitting in my bed with my eyes wide open after about 10 minutes of sleep.

I looked over to Elena's bed and she was sound asleep. I got out of my bed quietly and made a bee line towards the bathroom making sure not to make any noise. I started the shower once I was inside and looked both the doors leading to our's and Jeremy's room and the one leading to the hall. I only took a quick warm shower. It was hard to do anything with so much thinking going on. When I stepped out, I blow dried my light brown hair and curled it once it had no sign of wetness. I did my makeup not too dark but dark enough as I usually like it. I returned to my room with the bathroom door cracked open slightly so I could see inside my closet. I put on dark blue skinny jeans, and a baggy mint green sweater with gold studs on the shoulders, a pair of light brown wedge ankle boots, and a light brown beanie.

I made sure I had my vervain necklace strapped around my neck before turning off the bathroom light. I grabbed my phone and started walking to the kitchen. Aunt Jenna was still sleeping and so was Jeremy and Elena so I was the first one to make coffee. I put some vervain in the pot and waited for it to be done. I poured myself some in a portable ceramic container and shut the lid so I could take a sip. I felt the warm liquid slide down my throat and I could already feel it boosting my energy. I could hear movement from Jeremy's room, so I decided to slip out of the house before anyone could come down and talk to me. I grabbed my car keys and quietly walked out the for to my car. I opened the door and set my coffee in the cup holder before getting inside. Before I got in I could feel someone's hot breath on the back of my neck. I turned to see Damon, he practically gave me a heart attack.

"What the hell Damon?!" I yelled feeling my heart rate speed up quickly.

"You're so easy to scare." I chuckled and I rolled my eyes angrily.

"What do you want?" I asked shutting the car door so I could lean on it.

"I was promised a date today. Remember last night, vampires and all." He smiled. "I mean you couldn't have possibly forgotten."

"I never agreed to anything alone, with you." I shrugged. "Besides, I don't trust that you're still not out to kill me."

"Don't be a buzz kill.." He groaned.

"Fine. We're going to talk to Stefan then." I shrugged.

"No... Not the other buzz kill!" He sighed.

"Deal with it Damon!" I shrugged.

"There are better things to do.. Like kill vampires.. Train you to kill vampires." He replied.

"I think Stefan's the one to teach me.. I mean if it were you I might just go

straight for your heart." I smiled.

"I'll take that as a challenge." He replied.

"Meet me at the tomb at noon. Don't tell anyone. Especially not Stefan or Elena." I sighed pulling open my car door.

"Can't wait." He smirked and I rolled my eyes getting inside my car.

"Goodbye Damon." I replied shutting my door and slipping my keys into ignition.

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