Chapter 13: The Island

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Four days passed quickly, and soon, Xychronia was in the middle of a heavy storm. The eye was the only safe spot. No longer than an hour was needed to get to the eye. Soon, all the food the pirates had left was at the bottom of the sea. The storm instantly cleared up as a dragon roared. The ship stayed in the same spot, rocking back and forth, and soon, a small dot could be spotted on the horizon. It was rapidly approaching and Henry, who was up in the crows nest called down,


"What?!!" Lydia called up.

"I said, WHALE!!!" Henry yelled again.

"ELVYRA, GET OUT OF RANGE OF THE WHALE!!" Lydia yelled. Elvyra listened and got out of the way, just in time, it seemed, as the giant whale stopped abruptly, the sea around it flooded around it.



Just as she was told, Elvyra approached the whale. Soon they could see that it wasn't just a whale, but there was an island as well.

"Elvyra, dock near the whale, if that voice is correct, then this should be the island we need," Elvyra soon docked The Xychronia next to the whale as other crew members got Rose's casket and the group got ready to go to the island. Soon they were on the island.

"I heard something!!" Anna said.

"I didn't, what did you hear?" Anita asked.

"It was like a crack. Like a bone."

"I c-come, better r-run, b-before I come..." This poem disturbed everyone but Henry and the first line didn't sound like it was spoken. It sounded more like bones popping.

"Okay, now what the hell was that?!" Aiden yelled.

"N-now if y-you knew, it wou-would take a-away the fu-n." Whenever this voice stuttered there was a sound like bone cracking. It was deep and rather calm. It sounded like it came from above.

"Who the fuck are you?!" Aiden yelled.

"We-Well I'm T-Theo," The voice stuttered again.

"Let us see your face!" Juno called to the voice, and for some reason, her head jerked to the right.

"Wel-Well you c-can't r-really se-see my face, but I-I'll come dow-down now," Theo said. He jumped down from a tree about as high as a window from a second floor of a house.

"We-well the one w-with white hai-hair smells o-of bl-blood. The r-rest of y-you seem n-normal, b-but I smel- smell cinnamon b-bread!!!" He perked up at the mention of cinnamon bread. Now that they could see him clearly, he jerked and twitched a lot and has a terrible stutter because of it. He also had human clothes. A dark red hoodie, and faded black jeans with dirty white converse. The most peculiar thing about him though, was the face mask he wore. Because of this, you could not see his mouth but instead was forced to see a constant fake grin. Though it seemed like he was smiling psychotically. He had extremely pale, and dirty blonde hair, that couldn't have been combed through in a very long time.

"Well Twitch, I can make you cinnamon bread," Gaius said, as he had made cinnamon bread a few days before they landed in Acesie.

"D-don't you dare ca-call me T-Twitch you f-fucking bast-bastard!!" He was now extremely angry, "I sa-saw your h-head jerk into yo-your shoulder. D-do you have t-tourettes li-like me?" Theo was looking at Juno now.

Juno froze and paused before saying, "No. I got a chill was all."

"O-oh ok. I-I guess I ki-kill you all t-then," He said as he pulled out two well hidden hatchets.

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