Chapter 11: The Final Battle

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"Rose, milady be careful," George said. Rose just gave him a small smile. As she smiled the sword in her hand turned from a regular silver medieval sword to a light yellow. The hilt became an orange color. Amy was the first to attack. Rose somehow blocked it. Aiden who swept his tail under Amy's feet caused her to fall to the ground. She jumped up and was about to swing again when Juno started to throw knives at her. Amy flick her wrist making the small weapons fly back to Juno. Together everyone tried to gain up on Amy but with every attack they threw at her, she had a perfect counterattack. This didn't stop them but they suddenly stopped when a voice rang out.

"Now Amy, don't hurt them, you know as well as I do that you'll die," An Azure dragon flew down from a new hole that it had created. An older looking Juno and Aiden riding on its back.

"Did I say you could come Vilika?!" Amy stamped her foot on the ground, making a small dent appear in the ground. An actual fire appearing in her eyes as the dragon got closer.

"Ahh, but Amy, the only reason we joined you, was to cause chaos. That's our job. Cause chaos for the world. Anyway, Juno, want a bottle of vodka? It's some of the best I've ever had."

"Don't mind if I do!" Juno eagerly drank the clear liquid.

"Juno what the fuck?" Aiden cussed, "Why the fuck would you take something from a stranger! That's like the first rule we learn!" Soon she was coughing and sputtering on the ground, her eyes going black. He stopped shouting and became very concerned for her.

"Right after we even said we caused chaos. Such a gullible child."

"Well, I can't say you wouldn't do the same thing when you were her age!" The blue dragon laughed, well more squeaked and rumbled, causing the earth to shake.

"Shut up Vilika!" The older Juno said. The older Aiden stayed silent until now, saying,

"Sorry about this and good luck! Have fun trying to get that out of her system!"

"By The way it was sapphire infused vodka. I hope you know what happens to my daughter when you have sapphires around her! She must've resisted the necklace this far, but that was strong vodka, with ground up sapphires in it. The vodka weakened her senses and the extra dose of sapphire should cause her some issues, well, actually not her, you!" The older Juno started laughing maniacally.

"Juno? What's wron-" Aiden started, until Juno bit his hand. Blood poured from the wound, which Juno happily licked up. Her face was not that of a human. She had golden skin with scales, her teeth were sharp like knives and she had dragon horns growing from her head. The gold turned slowly to dark blue and purple. She now had claws and a tail was beginning to sprout and started strangling Amy. She looked to the sky, her eyes pure black. Wings were now growing from her back. She was not looking at the azure dragon that just left, she was looking at something else in the sky. She flew upwards, and out of the castle, towards what looked to be a group of dragons who happened to be flying by. When Rose had a chance to look up, she saw something she never wanted to see, Juno was eating the other dragons. She was grinding the bone, a sickening crack, every time she broke one of the other dragon's bones. Her golden muzzle was covered in glistening blood, her mouth curved up in the dragon equivalent to a sadistic smile.

"Those damn traitors!" Amy muttered, "cause chaos my ass! They just want to rule this world themselves!" Right as she said this, the golden dragon landed on the ground, sniffing each person individually. No one dared to move, some even holding their breath. When she got to Aiden she grumbled, "Satrathamax."

"Shit! That means obey!" Atticus said. "My dad used to say that when he got mad."

"No..." Aiden clamped his hands to his ears. "I will fight you... and win!" Aiden's voice wavered.

"Well, seeing as Hera already claimed you as her mate, that's impossible. Most likely, you'll end up becoming the king of the dragons. Seeing as Pocket Knives is right now, and Juno is her daughter," Henry said, defeated.

"I'm her... mate?!" Aiden now was freaking out more than ever.

"That was what the bite was for, idiot!" Amy screamed. The dragon was still sniffing everyone, and when she got to Rose, she snorted in what seemed to be disgust.

"Neyt, Awarshk hath trosk."

"I don't know those words. They are strange to me... almost ancient," Atticus stated but as he tried to reach out and pull Rose back but her sword broke, rendering her defenseless.

"Neathergrat" The golden dragon said. She changed back into her human form however, her eyes were still pitch black. She pulled out a dagger and charged at Rose.

"Juno! Stop! It's me!" Her screams were futile as Juno pushed and pinned her down. She raised the dagger and plunged it into Rose's chest, repeatingly stabbing her. She looked down at her work happily but as she got up she saw Amy. She again snorted in disgust and charged at her turning herself back into a dragon. Amy having quick reflexes also turned into a dragon. She looked like the first dragon the girls saw when they first arrived but Amy's eyes were red instead of black. Being a dragon only seemed to make Juno more eager to kill. She had an evil glint in her eyes that just terrified the group. She shot directly towards Amy. While flying she morphed into a smaller dragon, making her harder to hit, but this decreased her damage. Once the golden dragon got close to the black dragon, she grew larger and clawed at her side, biting a wing as she did so. She did the same thing to the other side, then, ripped out both wings, grounding Amy. All the cannibalistic dragon had to do now was finish Amy off. She did so by pinning her to the ground and biting her neck and pulled so hard that her head was pulled off its neck. After this Juno disappeared in a cloud of purple smoke. When the smoke cleared there tired as hell laid Juno in her human form covered in blood.

"The hell happened?! Where is Rose, and why do I feel so full? Also, why does Aiden have a bite on his hand?"

No one said anything, they all just stood next to the almost dead body of Rose. George got on both knees and placed Rose's head on his lap.

"Stay with me! Please, Rose! Don't go!" He said, tears streaming down his face. "I promised to protect you!"

"H-Hey," Rose said, taking deep and shallow breaths, she placed her hand on his cheek wiping away tears, "At least I get to see your face one more time," She closed her eyes taking in her last breath and her body went limp. Her corpse smiling.

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