Chapter 2: The Drew Residence

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School was ending, and the group was meeting just outside the school, waiting for Marie.

"Hey you guys! You want to come over to my house?" Juno was smiling, not evilly this time. Rose was a little worried by this, but Marie nodded her head 'yes' as she walked up.

So with an eye roll Anita said, "sure."

"Okay! Then just follow me."

"Group five! You can go now!" The crossing guard said as the group got closer to the cross walk.

"That's us!" Anna remarked, not once worried about Juno's house.

Juno walked in front of the group and led them down a path none of them even knew existed. They continued to follow Juno until they were standing in a field. They heard a little thud and then,

"Damn. That actually hurt!"

"What was that?" Anita exclaimed, worried.

"AIDEN!!!!! STOP FOLLOWING ME!!!!" Juno said, then for effect, cackled evilly.

"OK HERA!!" A voice belonging to a tall boy with blue eyes and dirty blonde hair, hollered.

"STOP CALLING ME THAT!!" Juno yelled back. Once she had successfully chased him off, she turned around to tell the girls,

"He's kinda my rival," She blushed.

"Ohh! Looks like Hera has a crush!!!!!" Marie squealed happily.

"Okay, but in all honesty, he's been following or maybe it's stalking or... anyway he's been following me since the beginning of middle school three years ago. So he had a crush on me first!" She was as red as a cherry now.

"Jaden!!! That's your ship name!" Marie exclaimed.

"Jaden?" Juno inquired.

"It was that or Aduno," Marie replied.

"Anyway, let's go to my place!" She waved as an old, dented car drove up. It seemed to be from a junkyard.

"Hey." A mop of orange hair attached to a head stuck out through a hole in which a window used to be. "Are you coming home with Juno?" They nodded and climbed into the broken down car.

"So Juno, what are your parents like?" Rose asked, hopeful her parents weren't as quirky as their daughter. Rose didn't see this, but Juno now had a sour look of annoyance and hatred.

"My parents gave birth to me and my brothers, left us with 20 thousand dollars then left. No one knows where they are," She said this with venom and malice. The rest of the girls sat there in shock.

"I'm sorry-" Rose started.

"It's fine. I live with my brothers Henry and Gaius. They don't go to school because they're too busy making enough money so we can eat. I'm lucky enough to go to school," Juno was speaking quietly and in a voice that wasn't like her personality. "Only Aiden knows this and now you guys. A lot of people think I'm weird and that I'm too strange to be friends, so I'm thankful that you guys accepted me."

"So, Juno, what are your brothers like?" Marie asked in an attempt to change the subject.

"Well I'll admit that they're very strange, but other than that, you'll have to find out for yourself," Juno laughed as she looked over to the driver, who only rolled his eyes. Rose figured that he must be one of them.

"Ooo well we're here!" Juno said exuberantly. From this distance Juno's home looked like a speck, but when the car brought them closer, it was definitely bigger than a speck, but not by much. It looked like a typical house, a square with windows. However, it was much smaller than that and not as picturesque. The car finally came to a stop and they all stumbled out. The driver suddenly had a look of panic swept across his face as he dashed inside. Juno ignored that and acted as though nothing happened.

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