Chapter 12: Set Sail

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Everyone was sobbing over their now dead friend.

"Can't we do something?!?" Juno asked. No one said anything for a bit. Atticus' head snapped up and he started pacing around, thinking of something.

"Wait we can!" Atticus shouted. "There's this legend my dad used to tell me about: it's called the Flower of Life and if you can get a hold of it all you have to do is crush it up and mix it with the water of the Enchanted Lake. Then you have to pour it over the dead body of that person and they come back full of health. Legend goes that all you really need is a drop."

"Then what are you waiting for, let's go!" Anna said.

"There is one slight problem," George said, he finally stopped crying and stood up, blood stained his pants, "The flower is on an island."

"Well I'm pretty sure that ship by the beach is mine since I look like a freaking pirate," Lydia said and so they were off. They hijacked some carriages and horses to make the trip to the shore much quicker than if they had just gone on foot.

The group walked down to the shore where Lydia's ship was docked. It was triple masted and had three decks. It was red in color, like a ruby. It had a cheetah as its figurehead. The crew on board were mostly girls. One of them shouted,

"THE CAPTAIN HAS RETURNED!!! PRAISE QUITHARAS!!!! ALL HAIL THE XYCHRONIAN EMPIRE!!!" Stepping onto the ship it was like Lydia somehow became a natural sailor.

"Okay, now girls, I know I only just got back, but GET READY TO SET SAIL!" Lydia yelled. "AND WHILE YOU'RE AT IT, GET A ROOM FOR MY DEAD FRIEND'S CASKET!"

"YES CAPTAIN!!!" The pirates yelled. Lydia then asked the nearest pirate,

"Can you get the first mate?"

"Yes ma'am," The pirate replied as she ran off to fetch the first mate. A little while after Rose's casket had been moved, a young girl with black hair and green eyes bounded up to the group.

"Hello captain! I'm Elvyra, your first mate. Just say the word, and I've got it covered," She was all business, and unlike most of the other girls on the ship, was about Lydia's age. She had a cloth shirt and rolled up pants made of rough material. She also had a large satchel.

"Hello... Little Corsair, I'm Gaius."

"Well, Hello, Pervert." Elvyra mocked.

"Well, my fair maiden, how is it, you stay so fair in the presence of all these pirates?"

"Oh... I don't know? Maybe it's just a little something called GROWING UP WITH THEM!!." Elvyra was annoyed now, and was walking away when Gaius said,

"Wait, would you like some candy, Little Corsair?"

Elvyra stopped dead in her tracks. She turned around and asked, "Candy? You mean, you have candy?"

"Sure as hell I do!"

"I've never had it before..." Elvyra muttered. Gaius looked frazzled.

"Never. Had. Candy? How. did. you. Live????!!!!!! Take this bag. It contains all you need for the next month," Gaius said, taking out a giant bag of candy.

"Uhh, thanks?" Elvyra said, puzzled.

"My pleasure, mon amour," As he said this, Elvyra blushed.

"Gaius, I thought you didn't go to school. How do you know French?" Anita asked.

"A girl that worked at the bakery with me, was French, and often flirted with me. I ended up picking a few things up," Gaius shrugged nonchalantly.

"So... what the hell did he say? Aiden asked.

"My love in French. God knows what else he knows," Anita finished. On the opposite side of the ship the rest of the guys were chatting up with the other pirate girls.

"She's going to be ok," Blades said, placing a hand on George's shoulder. George was standing over Rose's casket.

"So... what happened? Why is Rose dead? Why am I covered in blood?!" Juno still got no answers, "Just tell me what the hell happened!! I'm the only one ever left in the dark. No one ever tells me anything!!" Juno shouted at the group. Still, no answers.

"Oh... poor Little Devil, no one is paying attention to you. Not even your mate." A voice cackled from above. The group didn't seem to hear anything. It only seemed to affect Juno. The group, or at least Aiden seemed to realize that she was looking around, seemingly worried.

"Trust me, I feel your pain. You feel abandoned. You're like one of those little kittens left out in those boxes in the rain. No one will pick you. Never have, never will. This is all you have to do. Take your mate and run. No one can find you where I send you."

Juno screamed, "GET THE HELL OUT OF MY HEAD!!!" Almost everyone shot their head towards her and she sheepishly scratched the back of her head.

"Oh but my dear daughter, Who needs a social life when you have the voices in your head."

"That's actually true, why would anyone need a social life if they have voices in their head?" Juno spoke. By now, the entire group was looking at her, wondering what the hell she was talking to.

"So anyway, I don't want to run off, but where is this, 'Flower of Life'?"

"Oh, dear, you aren't being obedient, I suppose I could tell you, and you know what? What the hell! I'll tell you! But I must warn you, there is a guardian of the flower, a very strange individual."

"Okay then, what is this guardian like?"

"Don't know, don't care."

"Sooo then, what did the thing tell you?" Aiden asked.

"Well it said-"

"Look Hera, your mate is talking to you!!"

"SHUT UP!!!!" Juno screamed at presumably the voice. "Anyway, the voice said that there was a guardian of the flower, they don't know what it's like."

"So, I suppose we should take off then?" Lydia asked.

"Yeah," Juno said. "I think the voice will tell me where to go from here."


"AYE AYE CAPTAIN!" The girls responded as they all scrambled to their places.


"Uh... who's that?" Elvyra asked.

"My sister, Juno." Gaius answered Elvyra's question, "She seems to be having trouble."

"The voice says to go straight until you hit a storm on the fourth day. It says to go straight into the eye of the storm. Then dump all the food off. This will attract the island to us. Then wait one day. That is all the voice says," Juno told Lydia, Elvyra and everyone else were listening in .

"Well, you heard the girl, SET SAIL STRAIGHT!!!! THE WIND BLOWS STRONG AND FIERCE!!!" Thus it was that the ship named, Xychronia, set off towards this mysterious island.

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