Chapter 5: Camp Eaglewood

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"Keep up it not that far," George said as he cut through a bush with his sword. Soon they came to a clearing with a single tree right in the middle. They all walked up to it as George knocked on the wood and a big opening appeared.

"I am not going down anymore holes today," Rose said and suddenly a wooden floor rose up.

"Ladies," George guestering to the floor. They all fit perfectly even with the unicorn and soon the floor started to go down. After what seemed like hours, they were welcomed into a cave. Well, most of them were. As soon as the others saw Juno, Aiden, Henry and Gaius they were quickly tied up.

"Hey!" Juno said, struggling to free herself.

"As your queen I command you to let them go now," Rose said, hopping off the unicorn.

"Sorry milady but the order came from the former queen herself and no one can reverse it but her," George said.

"Okay, well then who is this former queen and where is she?" Rose asked, very annoyed by George.

"She was of course your mother, Queen Crystal, she has been missing for four years." At the name of her mother's name tears built up in Rose's eyes.

"Don't you dare talk about her. She was a horrible person who left me on the streets! I was lucky to have been found by my aunt but that still doesn't change the fact that my mother left to die." Rose shouted tears running down her face. Marie came up and rubbed the back of her shoulder.

"But of course that can't be true. She was the most wonderful person anyone could have met." George said.

"Oh just shut up!" Rose said. After a moment of silence Rose dried her eyes. "Now.... My.... Mother...... May have told you tie them up but if you do lay a finger on them then you shall be executed for treason. Now tell me where can me and my friends stay?" I can get used to this, Rose thought.

"But of course milady," George said and led the remaining five to the end of the cave where there was a door. The door had the same symbol as George's shield.

"Thank you," Rose said bitterly. She opened it to find a livingroom of some sort with even more doors, each with a different animal in a different color.

"Go to the room that matches the color of your gem," Rose read off of the note on the wooden table. They all did and what they found was everything they were expecting and at least one thing that they wouldn't. In Rose's room there was a yellow bed with a medium sized sword with a yellow hilt on top, a dresser filled with yellow clothing, and a very tall mirror. In Marie's room there was a green bed with a wand and spellbook on top, a dresser full of green clothing and a medium sized mirror on top. In Anna's room there was an orange bed with a crossbow on top, dresser filled with orange clothing and a small handheld mirror on top. In Anita's room there was a navy blue bed with a bow and some arrows on top, a dresser filled with blue clothing and a tall mirror.

Juno, Aiden, Gaius, and Henry did not have any such luck in finding a room.

"The queen never said we had to trust the treacherous bitch! I mean look at that girl! She obviously knows something! She's also wearing her clothing," A guard was standing in front of "Pocket Knives", looking down on her and her group of four.

"Umm well excuse me but, who the hell is her and who you calling a bitch you crapbasketing bastard!" Unbeknownst to the guards Henry had slipped out of his restaurants.

"Yes I don't like how you're treating my sister. Why don't we play a game? Nya...ha...ha... You annoyed Hera, how to dissect you? Or should I vivisect you? Hmm, decisions. I think Hera has seen enough of your face. NOW DIE!!" The guard was stumbling back and Henry was clearly angry. He pulled out a few little darts and a surgeon's knife. He threw a dart, hitting the guards hand. The guard screamed in pain, and Henry had the distinct impression of happiness. He took his surgeon knife and started sawing the man's legs off. Once they were sawed off, Henry started vivisecting the poor man. Of course, due to all the commotion, Rose, Marie, Anita, Anna and Lydia came rushing in. The girls started screaming except Juno who looked on in interest, Henry was now splitting open the guard's head to get to the brain. Which he did not take out yet.

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