Chapter 9: Slave Trade

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They were walking along the road that led to the castles when they were ambushed. Everyone tried to pull out their weapons but they were outnumbered and before they knew what was happening there were hands all over them. Sacks were placed over their heads and ropes tried their hands together.They were pushed together and apart but once the chaos dimmed down, they were then led to a stage in the middle of the street.

"Welcome these new slaves, welcome them, to the daily slave trade!!!" An announcer yelled.

Rose, George, and Atticus were pushed up onto a stage, where their sacks were removed. The transition from darkness to sunlight was harsh on their eyes. Rose looked around, in front of her was a large crowd filled with people who looked much cleaner and wore nicer clothes than those she had previously seen in the village.

"Three hundred yields for these fine specimens. It's a set of blondes they seem to be strong and capable, no scars yet and could make amazing bodyguards! Going once..." About fifty people bid. They all shouted over each other and a few started to push and push other bidders. There was one in particular who bid, he seemed much more calm compared to those around him and his bid was at a price of 1,000 yields.

"Aaaaaandddd... SOLD! TO THE MAN IN THE BLACK SWEATER!!!!!!" The announcer screamed. The three were pushed off the stage and led to the man. Rose looked between George and Atticus hoping that one of them would know what to do but Geogre was just glaring at the man and Atticus looked just as lost as Rose.

Next Marie, Blades, and Henry were pushed on stage and they were presented in a similar fashion.

"This is a girl who seems to come from a rich family, she wears the Xychronian color! This young lad, ohh he must have some amazing sword skills! To wield the mighty Sharathel! This last young lad, he is a collectors dream! He is an albino! He must be a pure breed of the Quitharas cult! Going once..." Again the same process they were also bought by the same person.

"SOLD!!! AGAIN, TO THE MAN IN THE BLACK SWEATER!!!!" The announcer blared

"What is this?" Rose whispered to George.

"Illegal slave trade," he said, "slave trade use to be illegal when your mother ruled but when your sister took over the village became so corrupted and poor this started up again," George said as the other three joined them. Next was Juno, Aiden, and Gauis.

"Now these three will be sold a little differently, they will be sold separate-"

"YOU LITTLE FUCK!!!!!! YOU WOULD SELL INNOCENT PEOPLE!!?? MUCH LESS JUNO??? YOU DON'T DESERVE ANYTHING!!!" Somehow Aidens hands became unbound, he ran up to the announcer and punched him in the face. His tail swishing furiously. Juno and Gauis took this opening to help each other and untie each other. "YOU PISS ME OFF!!! I SHOULD LET HENRY TAKEOVER!! BUT A DEATH LIKE THAT IS TO GOOD FOR YOU!!" With that, his tail shot straight for the man's stomach, but instead of ripping a hole straight through his body, he slowly let the whip thin edge piercing the skin, marking the announcer with the letters, T-R-A-I-T-O-R. Suddenly, Aiden's black armor had spikes, it was turning green and the audience was running for their life, screaming,


Everyone was running like hell. The group of heroes were being scrambled and separated. Page and Gauis ran to grab everyone's weapons as the others tried to find each other and untie each other. Atticus found George and helped untie him and gave him his sword which Gauis had given him.

"Go find the queen she's the only thing that matters right now," Atticus nodded and ran off into the crowd. On the opposite side of the chaos Rose saw George's hair from the corner of her eye and started running towards him but was soon pulled by a man.

"GEORGE HELP!!!!!" She screamed as she tried to pull herself away but to no avail. George paused and turned around to see Rose struggling. He ran to her cutting the ropes that bound her hands together and chopped the man's hands off. It fell to the ground with the man not noticing. George pulled her closer and shielded her from others trying to grab either of them.

"Thank you!" Rose said and hugged George. He hugged back. They broke apart as they realized they were still in the midst of all the chaos. George grabbed her hand and pushed his way to find a way out.

"Ah ah, not so fast your majesties. I see that Fenuil is still being the little twat that he is, and Knives seems to be enjoying this chaos. This is going exactly as planned. Too bad that dark dragon didn't show up as planned. Now, you shall be taken to our kingdom. I shall see to it that most of you are taken into custody, but two of you, two of you shall be taken somewhere special," A creature, it reminded Rose slightly of Hera, liking their secrecy.

"Oh hell no, you're not taking us anywhere," Rose said. She let go of George's hand to grab his sword and cut the creature's head off.

"Ah, ah, ah your majesty, I'm just a humble messenger, soon... you'll be t-taken," The creature spoke though it's head was cut off, then spat out blood. It dissolved in a cloud of ash.

"Well well, feisty aren't we now, little princess, but it's futile to resist. Your friends have been captured and are already on their way," A new creature, with the head of a snake, the body of a cat and paws of a lion spoke. Rose turned sword inches from the creature's nose. She was terrified but this much chaos she had so much of an adrenaline rush that she just let instinct take over. The creature nodded its head as to gesture to dragons carrying their friends off. They were screaming and struggling to free themselves. The only people in the group that were left seemed to be Rose and George.

"Let my friends go or you'll suffer the consequences," Rose threatened, moving the sword to his neck. Without either of them knowing a dark dragon sneaked up on George and pulled him in a cage. Rose hearing the noise turn only to see her last friend be carried away. Not seeing any other option she ran in the woods. Using George's sword Rose cut through the bramble and bushes, she ducked under branches and jumped over logs, trying to get as much distance between her and the creature. The creature took off after her. She ran as fast as she could not once looking back when she bumped into someone.

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