Chapter 1: School

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Rose jolted up in bed, hearing her alarm clock going off. She hit the snooze button before she got up and out of bed. She yawned and stretched as she walked to the bathroom to get ready. She walked down the stairs and she entered the kitchen where her Aunt Astrid was making bacon.

"Morning sweetheart," Her aunt said, smiling, while flipping over the bacon.

"Morning Aunt Astrid," Rose said, grabbing a pop tart and her backpack. Walking out to the bus stop she saw a few other kids waiting for the bus, when her eyes landed on her best friend, Marie Parker, whose nose was stuck in a book.

"Earth to Marie," Rose said waving her hand in front of Marie's face.

"What? Oh hello fellow human," She said. Rose stuck out her hand while still maintaining eye contact. Marie grabbed it and they did their greeting handshake as always.

"So who do you have for first period?" Rose asked as the yellow school bus pulled up.

"Honors L.A with Mr. Phillips," Marie said going back to her book.

"Good we have the same first period," Rose smiled as they took the back seats as the bus lurched forward and went off.

"So how was your summer?" Rose asked, hating the silence.

"Er-" started Marie. She seemed to ponder this for a moment. "Fine. A bit disappointed we have to go back to school."

Rose made a half-frown sympathetically.

"Mine was fine," Rose shrugged.

They finally arrived at school and they quickly went to their first block with Mr. Phillips.

"Welcome to John Bell High," said Mr. Phillips. Rose and Marie were now ninth graders and it was obviously their first year at high school.

"So on your desk is a pile of papers you parents have to sign," he said smiling. For the rest of the block Rose zoned out and started to have a quiet conversation with Marie. She smiled as she was given a top locker for once and it was next to Marie's and another friend of hers, Anna Olsson.

Anna was a straight A student like Marie but joined the friend group a little later than the rest, but that didn't stop them from becoming friends.

"Hey, Anna," Rose said, tapping Anna's shoulder. She turned around, her poofy brown hair swishing in the air, and looked surprised to see Rose.

"Rose!" she said, and they hugged. "So cool, our lockers are right next to each other!"

"I know!" Rose said.

"How's Marie? Did you see her on the bus yet?"


"What do you have for second period?" she asked.

"Math," Rose said. "With Mrs. Johnston."

"Whoa! So do I!" she said, jumping. Rose's eyes lit up, this could be a fun semester. Especially if the three of them ended up having any classes together.

"Third period?" Rose inquired excitedly.

"Emerson, History," she said.

Rose frowned, she had Miller. "Dang it."

"Fourth?" she said hopefully.


"Let me just see your schedule-"


Rose fumbled in her binder for the schedule. "Here it is," she said, handing Anna a crumpled, but still intact paper.

Anna scanned the list. Rose watched, tensely.

"Good, we have two classes together," Anna said, giving Rose back her schedule.

"We should head to class," Rose said looking at the clock on the wall. They had one minute to get to class. The first two classes flew by and before they knew it, Rose, Marie, and Anna were at lunch.

"Hey, guys I've made a new friend!" Marie said as she walked up to the other two.

"Who?" Rose asked.

"Her name's Juno Drew," Marie said and a girl stepped out from behind her.

Anna made a disgusted face. Juno was sketching in a purple covered sketchbook, and was as short, if not shorter than, Marie. Her long and unkempt hair that looked like it hadn't been brushed since she was a little girl.

"Er-Juno," said Rose. "What classes do you have next?"

Juno thought about this for a second. She then said, "the same third period science as Marie, then math, and then home to my flock of crows," she said with what looked like an evil smile as she continued to sketch.

"So uh, what else do you like?" Rose asked.

"Dragons!" she said before the words even escaped Rose's mouth.

Rose seemed a little put off by this girl. She was quite interesting to say the least but for some reason Marie liked her, Why? Rose had no idea but if she liked her then surely she couldn't be that bad.

The bell for study hall sounded and almost everyone tried to squeeze through the doors that lead to the main hallway.

"Do you guys want to go out?" Rose asked.

"Sure," they all said in sync. They walked out and found a tree to sit under.

"Hey Anita!" Anna yelled.

Anita was another brunette that Rose and Marie had known since they were kids.

"Hey!" Anita said, jerking her head from the willow trees to meet Rose, Marie, and Anna's eyes. She waved briefly, and ran over and hugged each girl, stopping at Juno.

"Uh-who is this?" she said, bearing the same expression Anna had when she had met Juno.

"A-friend," replied Rose, Anita gave her a look but she just shrugged.

Anita only nodded, and gave Rose a facial expression that told her that she didn't approve of Juno.

Marie was puzzled at everyone's actions around Juno. Rose could tell because she sounded concerned when she said, "We have third period with her,"

"Hmm," said Anita with a blank stare.

Juno cackled wildly, Rose tried to get her quiet, she was attracting attention.

"Juno!" yelled Anna. She clutched the girl's shoulder, trying to settle her down.

"Okay well, I thought that we should introduce ourselves since we have a new friend," Rose said looking at Juno with a slightly concerned face.

"I'll go first," said an enthusiastic Marie.

"Hi, I'm Marie and I love to read and my favorite gems are emeralds. I also like to make wands at my house during my free time," Marie said in one breath.

"Me next," Anna said with her hand in the air, "hi, I'm Anna and I live out in the country and I love horses," she said simply.

"I'll go next," Anita said, "um hi I'm Anita and I live out near the country and I have a sister, and I have a friend named Lydia," she said trying to think of other stuff to say.

"Okay well I'm Rose and I love the colors yellow and teal. Oh also I love dogs and cats," She said.

"Well I'm Juno, but some call me Hera. I like Storm Dragons and crows. I also love the color purple," Juno said. Then she cackled but was cut short by the bell.

"Come on guys!" Anita shouted as she raced back to the doors.

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