My Mate..The Player? Chappie 19

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When we got to the theater, we bought a lot of popcorn. It was expensive but no one seemed to care. I got my favorite candy, sour patches. Marcus got some things too and drinks for us. The movie was playing in theater 3 so we walked down this long hallway and entered the area. We sat all the way at the top and waited for the movie to officially start. Marcus grabbed my hand and I smiled. Everyone was really happy as well.

And then it started.

Chapter 19:

After the movie was over we all decided to hang over Kat's place. Everyone was talking about the movie, while I thought it was great I wasn't one to keep talking about it.

"Would you like something to drink?" Kat's father asked everyone.

"No thank you sir." I said, everyone else just requested on. I felt bad for Kat and her father. Kat lost her mom; and her father of course lost his wife. They lost her to hunters. Kat's father did get revenge, but from what kats told me, he hasn't been the same since then. I truly don't blame him.

After a while of sitting around and basically doing nothing for hours, I grabbed my purse and said bye to everyone. I got into Marcus's truck.

"Today was pretty fun." He smiled, keeping his eyes on the road.

"Yeah it was." I smiled back

When we finally got to my house it was 2 in the morning. Yikes. I kissed Marcus and quickly got out of the car. When I got inside, no one seemed to be around. I went into my room and laid down. I was expecting for someone to get upset that I was home so late but none of that happened at all. I closed my eyes and drifted away.


The sun was beaming into my room. I covered my eyes with my blanket but as I tried to do that, the sun got so much hotter.

"UGHHHH" I grunted as I struggled to get up. "I don't even have school anymore and I'm waking up so early!" I started talking to myself. I looked around for my phone and saw that it was on the floor. Wow I'm a wild sleeper. I picked it up and saw a whole bunch of texts from Marcus.

-Good morning babe, your probably asleep but I love you.- M

-Hey I'm heading off to school, text me if you need anything- M

-Do you want me to meet you after school?-M

I smiled at the phone. And started texting him back.

-Hi, sorry I just woke up I love you too, and after school? I can't I have stuff to do today. But text me after school.- V

I got up and started cleaning my room a little bit since it was starting to look crazy. I went downstairs and saw my mom cooking breakfast. Pancakes, turkey bacon, eggs, toast. The whole 9.

"Good morning mom." I gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"Good morning dear, how was yesterday ?"

"It was good we saw a movie and hung out a bit."

"That's good to hear, just don't come home that late again." I was so confused. So they did hear me come in?

"Where's dad?"

"He left early on a business meeting." She replied with a slum look on her face.

"Oh." I replied not really knowing what to say.

"Here, eat up." She passed me a plate with pancakes and eggs.

"Thanks mom."

"Anytime sweet heart."

After I ate my food I decided id go for a walk. Thinking about what happened last time when i went for a walk, I decided to change my course and go a different route. I went to the park. There were a lot of little kids swinging on the swings and climbing the monkey bars. It was really cute. My phone vibrated in my pocket, I took it out and saw a message from a blocked number.

-We need to talk-

I typed back, doing the normal thing possible.

-Who is this?-

I walked to a bench and decided to sit down, curious to know who was texting me.

-Meet me by the lake and you'll find out.-

My heart started racing. Who could this be ? I asked myself. Who is doing this what is their motive?


That's what I typed back. I wasn't going to sit here and worry about what was going to happen. I needed to face it. When I got to the lake I saw Cody. He turned around and looked at me.

"Hi." He said, approaching closer.

"Stay as far away from me as possible." I said backing away when he tried getting closer.

"I wanted to talk to you. See how you were doing." He had an apologetic look on his face but I wasn't buying it.

"What would your brother think about this." I growled

"Some things he doesn't need to know." He looked at me. "Just like Marcus." I looked at him so confused.

"What are you talking about." I said noticing her got closer to me.

"I'm sure your not gonna tell him about this." He whispered in my ear.

"Get away from me Cody!" I walked away but he only followed me.

"Wait!" I stopped and turned around smacking him in his face.

"Leave me alone, that is what I said, and that is what your gonna obey." He looked at me shocked. I'm sure if I was another person I would be shocked too. But it was my wolf side that took over.

"B-b-but you need to watch out for Cindy."

"I don't need to worry about her."

"Yes you do Vanessa! Trust me watch out." I rolled my eyes and started walking away.

"Next time don't block your number."

"What are you talking about? I don't even have a phone." I stopped. I looked at my phone and went through the messages again.

"Then who texted me to meet here."

"It wasnt me." I grabbed my phone and showed him all the messages. "It really wasnt me! I broke my phone."

"Lets go."


"To figure this out." I said to him.

When I got back to my house my mom wasnt home and my dad wasnt gonna get back any soon. It was only 12 so school wasnt over either.

"Lets go." I said walking up to my room.

"How are we gonna do this?"

"By sitting down and figuring it out."

I grabbed my phone and went through the messages. Over and over again.

"I have a list of who it might be." Cody said looking at my phone.

"So do I but there's no where we could prove it was them. This is stupid."

"I agree. But like I said watch your back because this is most likely all Cindy's doing."

"Yeah I'm not gonna argue with you there." I sighed and stared at my phone some more.

Time was moving faster and Marcus would be leaving school soon and my parents would be home.

"Well it's time to leave Cody."

"Well thanks for taking the time out for me, I'm not the bad guy." He paused "Anymore; be careful Vanessa."

"Same to you. Bye." I said closing the door behind him.

So this chapter was pretty short! I'm sorry! I will still be writing more so don't worry :) just for you guys!

Please vote and comment letting me know what you think of the story so far :) I'm also writing a new story called just friends so check that out if you've read all of this and need a
New good story to read. <3

LOVE YOU GUYS! Keep reading <3

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