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"Oh no." Ava Paige says, watching in horror as every alarm bell on the screen goes off. "Not her." She whispers, watching Subject A3's brain activity go through the roof.

"How much is she getting?!" Janson shouts, watching image after image race past the screen.

"Um all of it...." A worker says, fingers typing away in an attempt to slow the data speeding through the computer.

"Shut it down!!" Janson yells, rushing over to the monitor.

"But sir..." The worker says quietly, "that will kill her."

"I know what it will do!" Janson shout again, "just do it!!"

"Don't." Ava Paige says, earning a backwards glare from Janson. "She is one of our best candidates."

"She's about to ruin the whole thing!" Janson shouts, gesturing wildly around the room, his arm knocking a stack of papers off the desk and sending them flying. "I always knew she would be trouble."

"We have a back up plan." Ava says tensely. "We can still make this work."

"It better." Janson hisses, stepping back from the screens.

"It will." She assured him, "David, flip her switches, and get ready to go into driver mode."

"Yes ma'am."

"And if that doesn't work?" Janson asks, raising an eyebrow. "You know she's capable of turning it off."

"She doesn't know that." Ava replies, "but if she does, well we have a plan in place for that too."

"She's online." David interrupts.

"Let's finish this."

Steel and Stone [The Maze Runner (Scorch Trials) Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now