Hide and Seek

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"Well that was successful." Newt says, holding up a bottle of water. We had gone back to the building with a small group of gladers, and collected the rest of the supplies. Disappointingly there had been no food, but at least we wouldn't die of dehydration.

"Yes it was." Mal says proudly, using a piece of broken wire to tease Kay. The kitten pounces, attacking the wire and shaking it until she's satisfied it's dead. After finding the water, Kay had become a bit of a celebrity, earning some treats and handmade toys from the other gladers. Everyone wanted a turn to play with her. It was a funny sight really, a bunch of teenage boys all playing with a tiny kitten, funny and adorable.

As the rest of the group continues their conversation, I silently slip away, leaving the kitten in Mal's care. I was shocked that Minho once again ignored me all day. After what I heard last night, I assumed he would talk to me today. Apparently, I was wrong. I was especially hurt by the fact that he hadn't tried to fix it yet, how much could he really care if he wasn't even willing to apologize? Usually when we fought, it was over in a matter of hours, even our longest fight had only lasted a total of one day. The longer he ignored me, the more worried I became. As angry and hurt as I was, I just wanted Minho back. My Minho, not whatever the scorch had turned him into.

Mulling all this over in my head, I decided that I wanted to be alone for a while. I walked for a ways, zig zagging randomly through the streets before finding an empty two-story building near the edge of town. I wanted off the ground, and out of the way of any passing cranks. Once inside however, I realized that the only way up onto the second floor was to climb a pile of twisted metal beams. Slowly and cautiously I made my way to the top, breathless but proud of my achievement. The view from the upper floor window was breathtaking, I could see for miles. Endless scorched earth lay before me, with not even one green plant to break it up. Whatever happened to the world, it must have been truly terrible.

Sighing, I sit down on the floor, opening my back pack in search of my notebook and a pencil. "Oh where is it?" I huff, riffling through the many items scattered in the bottom of my bag. Suddenly, something is flung out of my bag, fluttering through the air before landing softly in my lap. Curious, I pick it up, temporarily forgetting about the pencil I was searching for. I hold up the object, which turns out to be piece of paper folded neatly into a triangle. Quickly I unfold the paper, pressing it to the ground to flatten out the wrinkles. The paper is covered from top to bottom in messy handwriting, jumbled words seemingly scribbled onto every available space. I cover my mouth in shock when I begin to decipher the note.

I don't know if I will ever see you again, so I'm writing this just in case. Hopefully, even if you can't find me, you can find your backpack. I'm not really sure what to say or how to say it, but I just wanted you to know this:
I couldn't have handled the past few months without you, and you're the best thing that ever came to the glade. I don't want to leave you, but I couldn't just leave Alby either, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for not listening when you told me to be careful and sorry for all the other klunk I've put you through. You're beautiful and I love you Sky. I hope I'll live to tell you this in person, but I'm not sure how much time we have left. I can hear the grievers coming now. Wish me luck. If I don't make it, know that it wasn't your fault. Don't give up, Get them out. Oh and Take care of Newt for me.
Love, Minho.

By the time I've finished reading, I'm sobbing uncontrollably, unable to contain the outburst of emotions. He must've written it the night he was stuck in the maze. I can't believe I missed it for so long, and it just makes his recent actions hurt even worse. That was the Minho I knew, the one who would never leave a friend behind, who would die protecting someone he cared about. That was my Minho and I really want him back. Giving up on trying to get over it, I curl up on the floor and let myself cry. Not caring if the noise attracts cranks, not caring if the ceiling comes crashing down on me, not caring if the gladers leave without me. I don't have the energy to fight it any longer.

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