Its a Date

696 28 20

Minho's POV

"Sky!!" I scream, when I see a small figure laying in the sand a few feet ahead of us. We had come back to look for Skylar as soon as we realized she was missing. The storm was over, but rain still fell from the sky in heavy sheets, soaking the scorched earth.

I ran to her, falling to the ground beside where she lay. Her clothes were burnt, her skin red and blistered.
"Skylar, Skylar wake up, wake up." I shout, shaking her roughly. She doesn't move. "Come on Wake up!!"

Newt kneels beside me, finally having caught up. Once I saw her, I had taken off at a full sprint. I watch with horror as he slips his fingers under her jaw, checking for a pulse. He looks up slowly, meeting my eyes. "She's gone."

"NO!!!!" I scream, cradling her in my lap, "No! She can't be!!"

"She is." Newt says sadly, pushing himself up from where he sat on the ground. "I'm sorry Minho." He says, putting a hand on my shoulder.
I collapse to the ground, sobbing into my hands, Skylar's lifeless body resting in my lap. I cry and scream, punching the sand around me. How did I lose the one thing that mattered most?

"We need to go back." Newt says, gently, after what feels like an eternity.

"Go ahead." I reply quietly, "I'll catch up." Newt nods slowly, then leaves me alone with her. I'll go back eventually. I have too. No matter how much I want to stay with her. I will not let WICKED get away with this. So I will go back.

Just not right now.

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