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"Sky, I was wrong." He says, grabbing me by the wrist and turning me so I have to face him fully. I don't fight him this time. This time I want him to make me believe him. "Apparently I do have a death wish, because seeing you with someone else would kill me."

"So what happened to 'go die and see if I care?" I ask, turning my face away from him, my feeble attempt to hide my tears. I know he does care, judging from the window incident, but I need to hear him say it.

"Sky, I...I never meant that, you should know me better than that." He says, his voice starting to raise into argument mode. Today, however, he's not going to get much of an argument, I'm far too tired for a fight. 

"Really? I thought I did Minho, right up until you slammed the door in my face and decided getting your way was more important." I retort, my trembling voice betraying my true feelings. I don't even understand why I'm arguing with him. Ever since that day, I've wanted nothing more than to have him back, and now, I'm the one pushing him away?

"Skylar...." He whispers, forcing me to look at him. I keep my face down, my long hair hiding my eyes. "I wasn't mad at you, I mean I was, but if you had gotten hurt, I...I never would have forgave myself."

"I did get hurt! Don't you see that?, can't you tell?!" I scream, snapping my head up and brushing the hair away from my face. I let him see my tear stained face, let him see just how much damage he is capable of causing. No one else could hurt me like that, not one other person could cause me this much pain. No one else has the power. Because to hurt me, first I have to care, and there is no one I care about more than Minho. "See it now? I did get hurt, I got shot... Right in the heart." I sneer, pointing a finger to my chest. I see his eyes go wide, then he looks at me for a long moment before turning around.

"Looks like I was right about one thing.." He whispers. "you would be better off with someone else." And for the second time that week, I watch his back as he walks away.

"Wait." I say taking a deep breath. I can't lose him again, I can't and I won't. He stops, but doesn't turn around. "Just give me a second." I take another deep breath, holding it for a second before slowly letting it out. "Come back."


"I said, come back." I say, as calmly as I can manage. I'm shaking again, but not because I'm hurt or angry. This time, It's terror, terror at the realization of what I almost did. In my confusion and hurt, I'd almost pushed away the very thing I wanted most.

"I don't want to hurt you again." Minho says, slowly turning back to me. I notice for the first time his eyes are red too, he looks every bit as tired and worn as I do. I don't know how I missed it the first time. I watch the look on his face as I move closer, pulling him against me.

"Then don't." I slowly slip my hands around his neck, then I bring my lips to his, fighting tears when he kisses back. We move in slow motion, his hands finally moving around my back to pull me closer, my fingers twisting into his shirt. I pull away and inhale deeply, putting a finger in front of lips to keep him from kissing me again.

"Sky, you really need to make up your mind." He says, a small smile completing his mildly annoyed look. I kiss him quickly before giving him a dirty look.

"I didn't change my mind, I was just going to say something." I tell him, laying my head down on his shoulder.

"Oh ya, and what's that? it better be important." He replies lightly, lacing our fingers together and resting his head on top of mine. I'm so overcome with relief that for a moment I stay silent, afraid of breaking the moment. "Did you forget how to talk or did you fall asleep?"

Steel and Stone [The Maze Runner (Scorch Trials) Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now