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Colin walks outside to Riley standing by the car waiting. The entire ride home is silent and Riley's the first one in the house.

"Riley stop." He says as she makes her way upstairs.

"What dad? You're sorry?"

"No. I'm not sorry for being concerned about my daughter."

"No daddy. That's not being concerned. That's being overbearing and controlling. He's probably never gonna want to talk to me again."


"Good? Seriously."

"Yes. Good. I don't have to worry about these knuckle headed boys coming after you."

"At some point, you're gonna have to realize that I'm getting older and you can't control every single thing."

"As long as you're living under my room, I can control whatever I want and if I don't want you dating, then that's what goes."

"Daddy, I'm not dumb. I know what to do and what not to do. You can trust me."

"I do trust you, Riley. It's them boys I don't trust."

"So what, I'm just gonna grow old and alone?"

"That would be the best possible choice."

"Ugh." She roles her eyes and walks into her room.

Colin knew he'd catch hell from Aaliyah when she got home, but she'd get over it, just like Riley would.

Before Odell walked back into the theater, he calls Kash.

"Hey baby, you and Aaliyah still out?"

"Yeah, everything okay."

"Uhhh.." He says scratching the back of his neck and looking around.

"Uhhh what?"

"Everything okay?" Aaliyah asks. Kash shrugs her shoulders.

"Can y'all stop by the movie theater and pic me and the boys up?"

"Where's Colin?"

"Colin had an........accident."

"Awwww is it that time of the month for him?"

"I would laugh right now, but I don't think it's appropriate."

"Okay. I'll text you when we're on our way."


She hangs up, and Aaliyah's looking for answers. "What was that about?"

"We have to swing by the movie theater and get Odell and the boys."

"Where's Colin?"

"All Odell said was that he had an accident."

Aaliyah didn't like the sound of that, so she sent him a text.

Wifey💍👑: Hey baby. Are you okay?

Hubby❤️: Yeah, I'm fine...

Wifey💍👑: Okay. Just checking. Odell said you had to leave because of an accident.

Hubby❤️: Oh....yeah, I'm good.

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