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When Aaliyah and Riley land, they head straight for the hotel.

"Can we go get something to eat, I'm staaaaarving." Riley asks while dramatically collapsing on aaliyah's bed.

"So dramatic. But yeah, we can go. Shower and change first...we're gonna go somewhere nice."

"Mommyyyyy." Riley whines.

"Rileyyyyyy. Off the bed, and in the shower."


They get ready for dinner then leave. They get to the restaurant, get seated and a few minutes later, Kash walks in. Riley jumps out of chair to give her a hug as she makes her way to the table.

"Auntie Kash!!!"

"Hi beautiful!"

"I missed you so much! Are you by yourself?"

"Yeah, it's just me...but don't worry, you and your mom are suppose to be coming over tomorrow." She says as they both take a seat. "So what's been going on Miss Riley?"

"Nothing, just school...and softball."

"No boyfriend?"

"Nope. I just be chillin."

"Good, keep it that way. Boys ain't shit."


"What, they aren't. You know this Aaliyah."

"I know...you don't have to be so direct."

"It's best she knows, no sugar coating."

"It's okay...I know. The guys at my school are fuc-"

"Marie." Aaliyah says sternly.

"They are..."

"Stay away from em Ry." Kash advises.

"I will auntie Kash."

"Good girl...so how were Colin's visits." Kash asks, cause Riley to roll her eyes and give her phone attention.

"Good. He liked them all...it's just a matter of contracts...he doesn't want a max deal or anything, he just wants something with stability...he refuses to get suckered into another contract like his last one. I will fire Jay my damn self."

"Ry...you know the rules about phones during dinner."

"Y'all are talking. You and daddy are always like stay outta grown folks business." She says and goes back to her text message and Aaliyah reaches across the table and takes it. "MAMAA!!"

"You'll get it back when we're finish."

"Auntie Kash!"

"She can't help you."

"Ugh. I'm gonna go wash my hands." She says getting up.

"Still having trouble accepting that y'all are moving?"


"What about the boys?"

"They're okay. They really haven't shown any dislike towards the idea."

"Riley will be okay."

"I know she will."

"And what about you? How you feel about all this?"

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