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The following day was the Super Bowl, and there was nothing but positive vibes and excitement flowing through everyone that was there in support of Odell. The Kaepernick family wasn't decked out in Giants gear, but what they wore clearly alluded to the fact that they were rooting for the Giants to win.

After a thrilling victory over the Houston Texans, the New York Giants were crowned Super Bowl champs.

The next day, after all the hugs goodbye, the Kaepernick's were on their way back to the bay. On that flight, Aaliyah took the time to address the issue Riley had while the boys were knocked out.

Aaliyah sat next to Riley as she kept her gaze out the window. "We gotta talk about this at some point, Ry."

"There's nothing to talk about. I'm okay."

"No. You're not. So just go ahead and let it all out. I'm here and I'm listening."

"It seems like you're always gone. Like you're never home anymore and I hate it. I hate your job."

"I thought you liked seeing the commercials and magazines and stuff."

"Yeah, it's cool, but I just miss you."

"I know. I miss you so much. More than you can ever imagine....maybe I just need to take a break from all this, and come back home until you get out of school."

"I don't want you to quit. I like seeing you all over the place. I always got to brag about how cool daddy is...now I get to brag about you." Aaliyah cracks a smile at her daughter.

"I'm not gonna quit. Just gonna take a small break to give you and your brothers some attention."

"What about daddy. I think he wants your attention too."

"Daddy too...I love you Riley Marie Kaepernick."

"I love you too."

"Can I have a hug please?"

Riley nods and embraces her mother for the first time in a while. She hadn't given Aaliyah the time of day since they touched down in Miami and it felt nice for the both of them.

"I love you mommy." Riley says quietly. Aaliyah gives her a kiss on the forehead. "I'm tired." She says resting her head on Aaliyah's lap. Even though she's growing up, she was still her mama's baby.


The next weekend after the Super Bowl was NBA All-Star weekend and Aaliyah and Colin decided they'd join in the festivities. Akasha and Odell would be going, as well as Akira. Her boyfriend was playing in the all-star game on Sunday.

Aaliyah and Colin figured it'd be a nice little getaway, especially since they haven't spent time with each other, without the kids in a while.

The two are scheduled to leave Friday morning, and it was Thursday night. Colin was reading to the boys while Aaliyah and Riley was cleaning Riley's room.

"Riley, I don't want this room to look like it did ever again. That was ridiculous."

"Sorry mom. Thanks for helping me."

"You're welcome."

"oh, I have a permission slip to give you."

"Another field trip?"


"Where to?"

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