Bush Banter (Chapter 25)

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Annalee's POV

I climb into the bush and sit cross legged on the grass, listening as there are no sounds other than the wind rustling through the leaves.

I let out a small sigh, closing my eyes as I begin to play the waiting game before the peace was broken by someone else climbing into the big patch of bushes I was hiding in.

"Who's there?" I whisper, clutching onto my flower necklace.

"Lady?" The person whispered and I let out a breath. It was just Will.

"Yeah. Will, what are you doing over here?" I ask, confused as he sat in front of me.

"I couldn't find anywhere else to hide. I'm sorry." He apologized quietly.

"No, no it's fine. I'm just curious and confused is all." I say, smiling slightly at the Brit.

"Well, now that we're here, I have a few questions for you." He whispers and I nod.

"Go nuts. I'm listening."

"I was just wondering why you have scars and tattoos and what they mean to you." He mumbles and I freeze up.

"Is that a bad question? I'm sorry." Will murmurs and he fixes his hair. He does that a lot.

"It's fine, Will. It's just a very ugly story. Well, the scars anyways. My tattoos are a whole other story." I mumble, going quiet when I hear people running close to our bushes.

The two of us stay silent for a few minutes as the people run past us and they holler as they catch the person.

"Looks like someone was caught." I murmur, cracking a slight smile.

"Graser got caught." Will whispers, smiling and shaking his head.

"I'll just pretend I know who Graser is exactly." I murmur and Will can't help but chuckle.

"He was the person who agreed with Preston about playing this game." Will explains quietly and I nod.

"I can't wait to go back to our hotel rooms after we're done here. I'm beat." I laugh quietly, rubbing the back of my neck.

"Same here. We'll probably get a quick bite beforehand though." Will says, fixing his hair again.

"Why don't we play a game of twenty questions? To get to know each other better." Will suggests in a low voice a few moments later and I nod.

"I can go first. What's your favorite color?" I ask quietly, smiling slightly.

"Red. What about you?"

"Purple and black."

"What's your favorite mini-game on Minecraft?"

"Build battle! It's so much fun."

"Yeah it is. It's my favorite too."

"What's your favorite person in our group?"

He goes silent for a moment and I worry that I said something really wrong.

"If you asked me this last year, my answer would be completely different. But, I guess my favorite person in our group is probably Graser. He's been there for me despite how I can come off as negative." Will mumbles after a few moments of silence. I could feel my heart go out to him.

"I feel you man. My favorite person would have to be Preston. He's a literal sweetheart despite being a cactus." I murmur, smiling.

"Really? You guys are really cute together." Will comments quietly and I start to blush.

"Oh hush you. You're just as bad as Kayla. But if I had to choose someone else, it'd be you. You're really sweet and I wouldn't mind if you were my brother." I say, laughing quietly. "You remind me of Rob, a lot honestly." I add and I hear him chuckle.

"That means a lot, Lady. I wouldn't mind it if you were my sister." He says and I smile.

"I guess our relationship is one of a brother and a sister, yeah?" I ask quietly, still smiling.

"I guess you could. I wouldn't mind it at all." Will whispers and we stay quiet for a while as we hear a large group of people go past us. I could faintly tell that they were our friends whom had got caught.

"We may be the last people yet to be found." I whisper as they fade in the distance.

"It definitely sounds like it." Will whispers back and we sit there for awhile as they come back to our area and I hear them stop by the bushes.

"Where the hell could my sister be?!" I hear Rob exclaim and I could imagine him running his hands through his hair.

"I don't know, but Will's no where to be found either." Someone with an Irish accent says, that was Isaac.

"Do you think they climbed into a tree?" Someone asks.

"Will can't climb a tree." Isaac immediately replies.

"My sister could climb a tree but she wouldn't, knowing her she's probably lying under one." Rob pipes up and I roll my eyes.

"I want to find her." I hear Preston whine and I can't help but smile. He's a dork and a cactus but he's my dork and cactus.

"I want to ask her on a date." Preston murmurs and the others "Aww" at his statement. I can't help but blush and I notice Will smiling at me in the dim lighting.

"Wait, have we even checked this bush yet?" Someone asks and none of us say anything. I look at Will with wide eyes.

"I don't think we have, actually." Rob murmurs.

I gesture to the other side of the bush and Will nods. We need to at least try and run away from them. Otherwise it's no fun.

Two pairs of hands come through the layer of leaves and then Will and I crawl out the other side before we start running.

"There they are!" Isaac yells and then I can hear them after us.

I grab Will's wrist and drag him behind me as we run. Surprisingly, I was holding up despite my lungs burning. Will was struggling behind me and yet I continued to run with him.

"Wait!" I heard Preston yell and I didn't slow down to look behind me.

"Lady! You can let go and leave me behind!" Will yelled and I shook my head.

"No! I don't leave friends nor family behind!" I yell, feeling my legs burning from the running. I was starting to slow down.

Suddenly, I tripped over a rock and I accidentally pulled Will behind me because I didn't let go of his wrist. My vision blurred and I felt Will fall on me.

"Oh my goodness, Annie, are you okay?!" Rob exclaims when they reach us.

"As o-okay as I c-can be." I murmur, feeling my head throbbing and my vision was still blurred.

Someone helped Will off me and I slowly sat up, rubbing my head.

"Are you okay?" Rob says as he crouched down next to me.

I shake my head, closing my eyes and wincing as my head was still throbbing.

"Come on, get up." Rob murmurs, helping me stand and kissing the top of my head.

"I was the last one." I mumble, Will hears me and starts to laugh. Everyone looks at us strangely.

"Will and I were the last ones found but I was the last one caught." I explain, continuing to rub my head.

Suddenly, someone starts to laugh and then we're all laughing as we realize this. It felt good to be surrounded by such joyous people even if I wasn't sure whose name was whose.

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