Meet The Inspiration (Chapter 22)

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Annalee's POV

"Oh! Oh! Kayla, wait! One of my favorite YouTubers is going to be here soon!" I exclaim, tugging on Kayla's arm after we left Nathan's line when more people started to show up.

"Woah there, Lady. Calm down! We can go find them." Kayla says, smiling but rolling her eyes at my over excited self.

"Hey, I'm going to get back in line for some others of the Cube meet up. Why don't I meet up with you later? You can text me when you're done." Kayla asks me and I can't help but nod.

"I'll make sure to text you when I'm ready to find you." I say, smiling before Kayla runs off back to the lines of people surrounding the Cube members.

I walk off, looking around excitedly as I tried to find the person I was looking for. I was looking for the person whom my brother knew and helped to inspire me to start a YouTube channel.

I was looking for SkyDoesMinecraft. It's been a long time since my brother has done anything with him and I would constantly ask Rob if they were still friends. He would never give me a straight answer.

I hum quietly, looking at the ground and bumping into someone and falling to the ground without warning.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry! It's my fault. I wasn't looking." I say quickly, feeling flustered as I pull my faded bangs out of my face.

"It's okay. Here, let me help you up." A somewhat familiar voice said as a hand was offered to me.

I look up and my eyes go wide. I just bumped into SkyDoesMinecraft. "HOLY SHIT." I freak out in my mind, gently taking his hand and letting him help me up.

"You're not hurt, are you?" He asks me, ignoring the snickers of his friends behind him. I shake my head no.

"What's your name?" He asks, smiling down at me. I swear to gosh, everyone is taller than me damnit!

"L-Lady." I stutter, mentally face palming at the fact that I stuttered.

"That's an interesting name! I'm Adam or Sky." Adam says, cheerfully while someone behind him laughs. My eyes zero in on the buff brunet.

"What kind of name is 'Lady'? I'd hate my parents if they named me that." He snorts, crossing his arms.

"Max, that's rude!" Adam scolded the brunet.

"It's fine. I'm used to it." I whisper under my breath, looking down at my semicolon tattoo.

"What is that?" A guy with a somewhat hard to understand accent asks me while pointing to my arm, where my semicolon tattoo is.

"A semicolon tattoo. It has a lot of meaning to me. It was my first tattoo. And I made a sentence to go with it." I say before Adam could scold the guy.

"He broke her down into pieces, further and further into a dark and deep hole of oblivion but she survived; and so she went on." I say quietly, staring at my oldest tattoo.

Nobody said anything and I held my breath, waiting for any response.

"You could be the next John Green." Someone else spoke up and I looked up to see who it was. It was Alesa, Adam's fiancée. She looked even prettier in person.

"I guess I could be." I say, laughing quietly.

"So, what are you doing out here?" Adam asks, still smiling. I shrug.

"I was just walking around. But, you're SkyDoesMinecraft, yes?" I ask, fiddling with the end of my top. He nods hesitantly.

"Well, you know my brother." I say quietly and he looks confused for a second.

"Who would your brother be?" Adam asks, uncertain.

"My brother is...MrWoofless." I say softly and it suddenly hits him in that second of who I'm speaking about.

"You mean Rob? Man, I haven't talked to him in a long time. Is he here?" Adam asks me, bubbly. I'm taken aback.

"Yes, but he's inside to do some sort of panel." I say, feeling my phone buzz in my back pocket.

"That's so cool! It was really nice to meet you, Lady. I'll give your brother a call later. I want to talk to him after so long." Adam says with a bright smile.

"Oh, and before you go? I want to say that you helped inspire me to start my own YouTube channel." I say quietly, smiling softly.

"I'm glad that I helped such a nice girl start something that you probably love." He says and I can't help but feel slightly embarrassed.

"I better go, my brother needs me for something at the panel." I say after checking my phone.

"Now, before you go, do you want to take a picture with Alesa and I?" Adam asks me and I'm slightly awestruck. He's asking me if I want to take a picture with them. Wow. Wow. Wow.

"Sure. And, thank you Adam." I say, smiling and he smiles back before I take three photos with them. One with each and then the last own with both of them.

I walk off, smiling and waving bye to them as more fans find Adam and I feel so giddy from the awe that he asked me for a photo with them.

"I'm such a lucky girl." I whisper to myself, grinning and hurrying into the convention centre to find Rob.

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