You Got Prank-Napped! (Chapter 12)

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Annalee's POV

The person who answered their phone was a male, from what I could tell. I take a shaky breath in.

"H-Hello?" I say, making my voice seem frail.

"Who is this? Why did you call on Preston's phone?"

"I-I'm Anna and I d-don't know what's g-g-going on." I stutter, raising an eyebrow as everyone is watching me.

"Okay. Is everything alright, Anna? I'm someone you can trust. My name is Brandon, but I'm mostly called Pete." The male, now known as Brandon, says to me soothingly.

"I-I-I don't know. I was j-just walking around F-Fort Worth and then s-suddenly I'm here!" I whimper, resisting the urge to flip off Kayla whom was trying so hard not to burst out laughing.

"Wait. Does that mean Preston kidnapped you?! Oh my god, that's not a way to get a damn girl!" Brandon groans and I could tell he seemed very annoyed at the thought.

At that moment, Kayla burst out into laughter and it was contagious. Everyone but me were laughing and it was silent on Brandon's end.

"What's all that noise in the background?" He asks me and then I'm laughing. Brandon makes a strangled noise and it makes me laugh harder. Preston takes the phone from me and explains that it was dare and yada yada yada.

Preston finally puts it on speaker and there's just a long sigh from the other side. "I seriously thought Preston kidnapped you." Brandon says. We all start laughing again.

After that, we mostly did weird dares but not on that scale of weird. Preston got a dare from Mitch to rub mayonnaise and mustard into his hair like shampoo. It was disgustingly hilarious.

No one else picked heaven and as it neared dinner time, we all just stayed in and watched movies on Netflix with pizza. It was amazing. But tomorrow was going to be a great day. We'd all play video games and I'll edit videos for Rob, plus I can record my own videos for my little channel.

All was well, for now.

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