UHC Anyone? (Chapter 13)

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Annalee's POV

I hum to myself as I edit the few videos Rob recorded today. It was always fun to edit them because I could keep any footage that was rather hilarious but not kid friendly. Personally, I would leave it in but Rob insists that I cut it out of the video.

It doesn't take me long to go through the three videos that Rob recorded and edit stuff. I get out of the chair and stretch, popping my back. I walk out of his office and find my brother playing Pool. "I'm done, can I play now?" I ask, crossing my arms and shivering. It's cold in this building and I had left my hoodie back at Preston's apartment.

Rob looks up from the game of Pool. "Yeah. Do the regular upload stuff please." Rob says and I nod. On days when he wasn't feeling like editing, I edit the videos for him. Plus he pays me so I'm not complaining.

I walk back to his office and sit at the desk. I let the videos process and I click on the little icon for Minecraft. The launcher starts to load and I put my hair into a small, messy bun. I can't wait for my hair to get longer again.

The launcher loads up and I log off of Rob's account before I log in as my account. I open up the recording stuff as Minecraft starts to load itself. I hum gently, putting the headphones on my ears. I think I'm doing a UHC today. I'll have to double check.

'Yo, is the UHC today?' I message Vikkstar123. I may not personally know him but he had invited both Rob and I to do a huge UHC and I didn't know when it was being held.

I scroll through Twitter on my phone as I wait for a reply. Minecraft was loaded up on the computer but I wasn't going to do anything until I knew what was going on.

'New message from Vikkstar123' pops up at the bottom of my screen and I tap at it, bring me to Vik's answer.

'Yeah. We're going to start it at 5, Central Time in America.'

'Thanks. I wasn't exactly sure what time it was going to start because I need record something other than UHC. :p'

I set my phone aside as I take the mouse and click onto Mineplex. Hm. I'll record an episode of me playing SkyWars. I might record an episode of Money Wars later if I have time.

My phone buzzes and I pick it up, seeing the notification that Vik messaged me back as well as the time. '2:14pm' I have a few hours. I probably will play like three games of SkyWars and two games of Money Wars. Yeah. That should be good enough.

'It's no problem. :) And go record, you'll need it.'

I smile at Vik's answer. He seemed really nice. I wonder why I've never actually talked to him before.

After many losses of SkyWars and one won game of Money Wars, it was time for the UHC. Preston had let me into a different office so I could record and play the UHC since Rob needed his computer to play on. I was really nervous because I've never played a UHC before.

I opened up Skype and hopped into the Skype call with a lot of unfamiliar names. Oh shit. I know next to no one in this call.

"So, this is a Team UHC?" An unfamiliar voice asked and a somewhat familiar voice responded.

"Yeah. Before we start we'll sort everyone into teams. In this UHC there are some players that have never played it before so we'll have to explain to them the basics." His voice was British, I'm pretty sure it's Vik. He helped set this UHC up.

"First, who all is in this season of UHC?" My brother asks.

"All of the players are, AciDicBliTzz, AshleyMarieeGaming, CreeperFarts, DfieldMark, FinGraphics, Grapeapplesauce, Graser10, HeyImBee, Huahwi123, ItsPwincessly, JeromeASF, Kiingtong, KenWorthGaming, KwehCraft, Lachlan, LadyofSnipers12, Mathew Nooch, MrWoofless, NoBoomGaming, PeteZahHutt, PrestonPlayz, PrivateFearless, Pokediger1, StrauberryJam, TheBajanCanadian, TheCampingRusher, TheHyperCraft, TofuuGaming, Unfuggettable, and myself, Vikkstar123HD." Vik answers as he lists off all the players that were in this UHC. All of the other players were all big channels and then here I am with like 12,000 subscribers.

"Wait. Who's this LadyofSnipers12?" Someone asks and I scratch the back of my neck.

"That would be me." I mumble into the mic, thankful that no one could see my face. I felt really awkward being surrounded by all these people I didn't even know.

"Rob, are you sure I should play in this UHC?" I ask, biting my lip. I hear a sigh. "Yes, I'm sure. Vik and I both invited you." Rob says and I hear shuffling from his end.

"I don't even know all of the people in the call except for Mitch, Preston, Lachlan, and you Rob." I say softly.

I hear another sigh. "We'll be back. I have to speak with her." Suddenly, Rob hangs up on his end and I understand that I also have to hang up. Rob comes into my temporary office and crouches so his eyes are level with my eyes.

"Annie." He says softly. "It's okay. We'll put you with someone who's pretty decent at UHC that isn't one of us. You'll do great. Besides, we're all just dorks who love the same thing." He chuckles at the end and I smile slightly.

"Thanks. I needed that pep talk. I think I'm ready to play now." I say quietly and he smiles before he leaves the room.

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