What? Hide and Go Seek? (Chapter 24)

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Annalee's POV

When I open my eyes, I'm surrounded by a variety of people and I immediately sit up. I'm in a park, somewhere. Over the rainbow maybe?

"Wh-Where...Where am I?" I ask, looking around at the seemingly relieved faces.

"You're in a park, Annalee." My brother's soft voice answers me. That's when I notice he was sitting next to me and his hand was on his shoulder.

"Why?" I ask, feeling lightheaded and confused and dazed and so many feelings I couldn't identify.

Rob says nothing but sighs.

"You...You don't remember?" Preston's voice asks shakily and I look towards him. He looked like he had just seen a ghost.

"Preston." Rob growls, shocking both of us.

"Seriously, what's going on?" I ask, looking between Rob and Preston. The others were probably just as confused as I was. At least I wasn't alone in this.

"Preston, I need to talk to you for a second." Rob says before literally dragging Preston away.

I frown, chewing on my bottom lip in thought.

"Rob isn't usually like this..." I murmur, sensing someone sit down to my right.

"You all right? You passed out earlier." The boy asks me and I face him.

"I'm not too surprised that I passed out. It happens more often than you think." I mutter darkly, chewing on my bottom lip again.

"I can only imagine. I'm Sean, or Grapeapplesauce." He introduces, sticking out his hand for me to shake.

"Annalee, or LadyofSnipers12." I say, taking his hand and shaking it.

"What a lovely name for a lovely girl." He says, smiling at me and I can't help but blush slightly.

I furrow my eyebrows in thought, trying to figure out why this felt odd and wrong.

"Would you like to be the TBNRGirlfriend?"

I blink a few times, trying to figure out where this sentence came from.

"You're such a sweetheart, you know that right?"

I run a hand through my hair, looking around nervously.

"Are you okay? You look like you just saw a ghost?" Sean asks me and breaks me out of a trance.

"I don't know. I may have seen a ghost. Who knows." I mumble, seeing Rob and Preston coming back with the latter seeming really upset. I wonder who put his underwear in a bunch and filled it with pricks.

"Annie, want to play a game with us?" Preston asks me when they reach us.

"A game? What kind of game?" I ask, staring up at him.

"Hide and Go Seek?" He suggests and everyone looks at him funny before someone starts laughing hysterically.

"Yeah! Let's do Hide and Go Seek!" The person says, smiling broadly and everyone else groans.

"That's a very bad idea. You're putting gamers in a game of something that includes exercise." Someone groans and I look around at everyone.

"Why not? It'll be pretty fun. We can go into two groups! The Hiders and the Seekers! The Seekers will consist of three in the beginning and grow as they catch more people! Just like the Hide and Go Seek mini-game in Minecraft!" I exclaim, smiling innocently up at the others.

"Alright. That sounds fair enough. Who will be the Seekers?" Will, yes Will is his name!, asks as he looks around the group.

"Can I pick?" I ask nicely and everyone agrees without much thought and that puzzles me but I don't ask, knowing better than to question a slightly good thing.

"Okay. I choose...Sean, Rob, and uh...that guy with the quiff and nose ring?" I say, unsure of his name.

"My name's Isaac." He pipes in and it's hard to hear through his thick Irish accent. I nod.

"That's the Seekers! Count to....fourth-five! No going out of the park! Now may the odds be ever in your favor!" I yell before I start running off in a random direction as they realize I just started the game. This was going to be fun.

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Preston's POV

"You...You don't remember?" I ask, surprised at how shaky my own voice sounded. Annalee literally passed out not even twenty minutes ago and she doesn't remember?!

"Does this mean she doesn't remember that I asked her to be my girlfriend?" I ask myself, snapping out of my thoughts when Rob speaks.

"Preston." Rob growls, surprising me and from the look on Annie's face, it surprised her too.

"Seriously, what's going on?" Annie asks in her soft voice that made her seem even more adorable, looking between Rob and I.

"Preston, I need to talk to you for a second." Rob says before he's literally hauling me by the arm away from the earshot of the others, which included Annie.

"Rob, seriously, what's up with you? You never snap at me or Annie." I ask, crossing my arms and raising an eyebrow.

"Preston, she doesn't remember and this isn't the first time it's happened." Rob says with a sigh, rubbing his temples.

"Wait, what do you mean that this isn't the first time it's happened?" I ask, fearful for the answer.

"One of the first times this happened was when she had a major anxiety-brought breakdown when she found Brendon had started working at her favorite bookstore. She did the same thing she did earlier. She collapsed because she couldn't breath. When she woke up the next morning, she didn't remember even going into the bookstore with me the night before." Rob explains and I felt my heart break a little.

"I...I didn't know." I whisper, looking back at Annie whom was talking quietly with a boy and she had a perplexing expression on her face.

"And Preston, which I've found out from the few but frequent times this has happened, don't remind her of the event. It'll stress her brain out so much that it forgot something that she'll pass out. If she remembers on her own, it's not as bad. But her brain blocks out the worst of the memory so she never really remembers it." Rob says quietly and I felt my heart break even more.

"Rob. I asked her to be my girlfriend before they came." I say quietly, staring at the ground.

"I'm sorry, buddy. If she remembers it, she'll ask you." Rob responds, resting his hand on my shoulder.

"Thanks Rob. Let's go back." I mumble, turning to go back.

"Before we do, I want to say, as long as you make Annie happier, I'm all for you dating my little sister." He says and I crack a small smile.

"Thanks again, Rob. Now, let's go back." I say and we go back to the group just as an idea hits me.

I walk up to Annie and ask her, "Annie, want to play a game with us?"

"A game? What kind of game?" She asks me, staring up at me from where she was sitting to my right.

"Hide and Go Seek?" I suggest, looking around the group.

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Annalee's POV

I jog around, looking for a good place to hide. The Seekers were going to use their flashlights since it was rather dark out.

I bite my lip, looking around until I spot a big clump of bushes near a few benches and I smile. I just found my hiding spot.

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