PAX Story (Chapter 19)

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Annalee's POV

I don't know what to do so I freeze up. Preston was still kissing me, very gently might I add. His arms snake around my waist and pull me closer before I finally kiss back. Oh yeah, it's definitely crush. A big one too.

We sat there, not really moving while still kissing. I didn't know what to feel or even what to do but my mind was literally a blank sheet of white copy paper.

Preston finally pulls away but leaves our foreheads touching.

"W-Wow." I stutter quietly, blushing heavily. He just laughs, kissing my nose quickly.

"You're so cute." He tells me, kissing my cheek. I blush even more, if it were possible.

"I don't know, Preston..." I murmur before he kisses my nose again.

I pull away slightly before he rests his hands on my cheeks and looks me dead in the eye.

"You're beautiful, Annie. You really are." He whispers, stroking my cheeks with his thumbs.

"Well, you're a cactus. And I'm a flower. I better be fucking beautiful." I say, before he starts laughing and that makes me laugh.

"You are." He says before he kisses me on the lips again. I kiss back softly, wrapping my arms around his neck.

Suddenly I hear people giggling so I pull away, blushing heavily.

"Lady and Preston sitting under a tree, K I S S I N G." Kayla sings, laughing while the brunet next to her laughs with her.

"Kayla!" I exclaim, blushing and looking down at my lap. "Rob's going to kill me..." I murmur to myself.

"Sorry, it's hard to resist singing that when I see my best friend kissing a boy under a tree." She laughs as the brunet next to her snakes an arm around her waist.

"Oh yeah! Lady this is Nathan, Nathan this is Lady." Kayla says to introduce us.

"It's nice to meet you, Lady." The brunet, Nathan, says warmly as he smiles at me. I wave at him, still feeling my cheeks burning.

"Anyways, we'd better get going. The convention is starting soon." Kayla says, holding Nathan's hand before they bolt off.

"Oh yeah. That means I better get going too." Preston says sadly. I shake my head, kissing his cheek.

"I'll see you later tonight. You are sharing a room with my brother and I after all." I say before he smiles.

"Will you tell us that story then?" He asks, practically begging me. I sigh.

"Alright. But it'll be a summary tonight. We'll all be tired. I'll tell the whole story when we get back to your place." I say quietly. He nods before kissing my cheek.

"I better go now. See you later." He says, kissing me quickly on the lips before he stands up and heads towards the entrance of the convention center.

It's hours later and we're all in our rooms. I sigh, flopping down on the bed that I was allowed by myself.

"Annie, will you give a summary of the story now?" Preston asks me as he sits on my bed.

"Fine, fine. Here's where our story begins. High school, junior year. Rob had just graduated high school and I had no idea what to do without him. He had already moved out and into his own apartment. And then this boy, Brendon, told me around November of that year that he liked me and we started dating."

I take a breath before continuing, "We dated well into the new year and I had more and more mental breakdowns and more and more lines appeared on my skin. Brendon started to notice them. And that's when things got worse. He started giving me cold looks and would grip my arm in a vice grip. Of course, he told me lies that he was doing this because he loved me.

"This cycle continued into my senior year and he literally had me wrapped around his finger. More and more lines appeared. It was my worst year yet. I nearly died multiple times. And yet, Brendon would never comfort me on this and only would enforce the fact about how much I needed him and how much I didn't need my brother." I say, biting my lip and Preston looks at me with a look that said, "I'm sorry."

I shake my head. "I finally went to a party with him and he ended up getting drunk off his ass and kissed another girl was when I realized that he didn't love me. I broke up with him and I was free. School ended not long after and then I got my semicolon tattoo. The end." I finish, biting my lip harder as my shoulders shook.

"It's okay, Annie. It's in the past. It's time to move on." Preston says quietly, hugging my quivering form.

"Thank you." I murmur, closing my eyes and leaning on him. Slowly, I began to fall asleep in Preston's arms.

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