Nightmare (Chapter 20)

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WARNING: Triggering backstory. Including but not limited to: Self-harm, depression, suicidal thoughts and actions, and anorexia. Be wary when you read! This is not a real story; just a fictional story. I have never done any self-harm nor have I had anorexia. I understand that it is not something to joke about, but this is all a part of my character's backstory. Now you may read on but be careful in case it may trigger you.

BTW: Jordy is a legitimate name. Plus it'll make sense later. Not in this book, unfortunately.

Annalee's POV

I gasp, squirming around when I wake up from my nightmare. I'm literally burning alive. I open my eyes slowly and the air is dead quiet. The AC isn't on, no movements of the boys getting ready, no sounds at all. And it worries me.

I try to sit up, gasping slightly when I'm pulled against someone who definitely wasn't my brother.

"What in the hell?" I mumble, trying to unwrap the person's arms from around me without waking them.

"No...don't leave Mr.Waffle..." The person mumbles, tightening their grip around me and I relax. It's just Preston.

I sigh and reach for my phone out of my pocket, which was really hard since Preston's arms were wrapped around my waist.

It took a few minutes before I managed to wiggle my phone out of my front pocket and to where I could see the screen. I unlock it, groaning quietly at the bright screen before I turn the brightness down.

'4:03' My phone screen shows to me and I blink. Did I seriously wake up in the middle of the night? Again?

I sigh, locking my phone again and setting it on the bed side table. It was that certain nightmare again. And it was dragging me backwards into the past I'd rather forget.


I was staring at myself in my old bathroom's mirror at mom and dad's house. I looked like I was a dead person with my hollow cheeks and my too thin frame.

"One more year...then I'm free from this fucking hell that is my high school life. One more year; and one more line." I mumbled, as I had dragged the blade across my arm.

"He loves me. Brendon loves me. Brent loves me. He told me to do this even though my brother says not to. I need Brent." I had whispered, biting back tears as more lines appeared with beads of red following.


"Annalee? Are you hungry?" My mother's soft voice carried from behind the door and I had to grit my teeth. I couldn't have told her or let her know what I was doing. She'd take me to a psychologist and Brent had told me I couldn't go to one or else they'd tear us apart.

"No mom. I'm not hungry." I said, fake cheer lacing my voice. I'd gotten better at faking my emotions over that year. Plus I felt like I was going to puke again at the thought of food.

"Okay honey. But if you do get hungry, there's twenty dollars on the counter for you to order pizza with. Your dad and I are going out to eat with Rob. We'll be back late tonight. Be safe, dear." My mother said before she left.

"I'm not okay. I promise." I mumbled, sliding down the wall behind me and beginning to cry into my hands.

When I looked up, I was surrounded by drunk people and I felt disgusted.

"Brent, why'd you bring me here for our one year anniversary?" I had asked the blue eyed male and he had just shrugged.

"I thought you would like to drink and dance the night away." Brendon had replied, crossing his arms and his cold eyes roamed over my thin frame.

"I'll be back. I'm going to go get a drink." He mumbled before he disappeared for a good portion of our night together.

An hour later, I had found him making out with a brunette that I had unfortunately knew very well.

"Jasmine?! I thought you were dating that other brunet!" I gasped, feeling like my whole world had shattered and broken down right in front of my eyes.

The two broke apart and Jasmine shrugged.

"It was Jordy but he was no fun at all." She replied before adding, "Besides, Jordy doesn't even know! He thinks we're going to work out this long distance thing! Ha! As if. Brendon is much better than that loser." I was in shock. Jasmine loved her Jordy.

"I...I have to go." I whispered.

Suddenly I found myself sitting on the floor of my old bathroom staring at a bottle of pain killers.

"My pain needs to end. This should help." I said though quiet sobs. "He broke my heart. He used me. He broke me." I sobbed before I popped open the bottle. Then I woke up with a gasp.


I check the time on my phone, biting my lip hard after I had remembered what my nightmare was. A mixture of three different memories during my senior year of high school.

'4:23' My phone said and my eyes widen. I spent twenty minutes remembering that.

I sigh, setting my phone back down on the bed side table. It's not like I was going back to sleep now. Especially after that.

"I need to stop bottling shit up." I whisper, ignoring Preston's mumblings about a "Mr.Waffle".  "It's not healthy, Annalee." I tell myself quietly.

"My past wasn't healthy." I murmur, closing my eyes and falling unwillingly back to the dark abyss that is known as sleep.

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