24. The past (part 2)

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Jeff woke up in a hospital some days after the accident. While he wasn't able to see or even move because of the bandages that covered all of his body, her mother told him that one of the bullies confessed that they were the one who attacked them at the bus station, and that Liu was sent back to home. After that good revelation, Jeff passed a couple of weeks in the hospital, recovering from his bad injuries.

Then came the day when the doctors removed his bandages, revealing his face to him and his family. Jeff's mother screamed when she saw him, while his dad just stared in shock.

His lips were burnt to a deep shade of red, while his face was pure white. His hair has changed from brown to a complete black. When his family and doctors expected Jeff to cry, scream or shiver at his new face, he simply said "It's perfect!", making everyone surprised. Jeff started laughing uncontrollably, his sanity completely snapped. From this moment, all he has been is a crazy killing machine. That is, his parents didn't know yet.

This same day, Jeff was released from the hospital and went back home. From this point, no article describes what happened, but some stories have been told.

Apparently, during the night, his mother woke to a sound coming from the bathroom, like a cry. When she looked into the bathroom she saw a horrendous sight. Jeff had taken a knife and carved a smile into his cheeks, revealing his famous and creepy smile. Blood were present everywhere, on his face, on his clothes and on the tap. He simply explained to her while smiling "I couldn't keep smiling mommy, it hurts after a while. Now, I can smile forever." Jeff's mother noticed his eyes, ringed in black.

"Jeff, your eyes!"

"I couldn't see my face. I got tired and my eyes started to close. I burned out the eyelids so I could forever see myself; my new face."

Then, Jeff asked his mother if he was beautiful. With fear, she said yes, and that she was going to go get her husband so he could see him too. But she didn't do that. She went to her husband and asked him to get the gun instead. She wanted to kill her own son, because she feared the monster he had become.

Jeff followed her and felt betrayed. He took a knife from the kitchen and rushed toward them.

"Mommy, you lied."

He killed heartlessly his parents, without any emotion, and headed to his brother's room.
Liu woke and looked up, before Jeff's hand covered his mouth. He slowly raised the knife ready to plunge it into Liu's heart.

"Shhhhhhh," Jeff said,"Just go to sleep."

Then, he killed his brother, his one and only friend.
That's where Jeff's story seems to end. Police never found him again, even if a lot of witnesses and stories have been spread on the internet and on newspapers. Some journalists think he's dead, some thinks he's still alive somewhere, killing people.

I can't help but cry now. His childhood, his fights...everything made me so sad and angry about the world. He went through so much pain. No one deserves to live all he's been through, no one. And especially not a child like him.
But, even though I know that, I can't help but feel sick because of him. He killed children, he killed his parents, and he killed his brother, his only friend. He injured himself, felt to insanity completely.

He is...a monster.
A cruel monster that killed everyone who meant something to him. And the worst is that he never stopped, he has continued killing innocent people during all these years. He could have stopped and regain his sanity back after a while, but he didn't. Deep inside, he has chosen this life, he has chosen to be a killer and just hate the world he's living in, and that's what makes me sad the most.

No one could save him from his difference and his lack of relationships. No one could save him from the bullies, as no one could save him from his insanity.

I remember the times when I saw a kind of sadness in his eyes. When I asked him if he was afraid of loneliness, when I ignored him. It might have been the true Jeff who acted in those moments, the one he was before snapping into darkness. I feel special to have seen this Jeff, because I'm sure it doesn't happen a lot. He has no one to care for now, no family, no nothing.

That's when I came to the conclusion that he's in suffer. Maybe he doesn't know it, but all of his past, his behavior and his emotions show me it.
But he's a psycho, a killer, a cold heart. I'm trapped between two kinds of feelings towards him : hatred, disgust and fear; sadness, and pity. Should I try to help him ?

No, no. I said I was leaving soon, just after knowing his past actually. But it's like knowing it makes me more attracted to him, to his former self.
What possibly could-


I jump from fear and surprise when I hear my room door being opened and slammed. But I shiver even more when I see Jeff, standing in my room, looking at the box intensively. I watch him stop in his track when he sees the photo of his family next to me, and I swear I see his fist tights.

"What are you doing?!!" He screams while rushing toward me, fury in his eyes.

He pins me against the wall behind me, making all of the articles and newspapers fall on the floor. His hands around my neck are preventing me to talk to him, and my breathing is already decreasing.

Oh god I'm going to die soon.

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