9. The Game Begins

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Jeff's p.o.v

I hate to admit that, but this girl caught me off guard. This is so....entertaining. Thrilling. Exactly what I was looking for.  

Speaking of the devil, she just stares at me with confidence - even if it is so fragile. It's the first time I see this kind of emotion in her eyes. She might think that she has saved her life by now. But she's so wrong. I might let her live now, but I will kill her sooner or later. Her screams will be like a music to my ears. I lick my knife in anticipation, and she doesn't flinch at the action like she did before. I like that.

"Why would I accept?" I finally reply after an eternity of silence, "I don't have any lesson to receive from you." I watch with delight how her face evolves from confidence to fear. She slowly realizes that I'm the one in charge here, not her. She might have found an interesting deal, but her life is still in my hands. She now looks at the floor, clearly thinking deep about what to reply - she is aware that I could break her in a second if she doesn't reply correctly.

"You- You told me that there's nothing to fight for in life. I want to show you that you're wrong." With a new wave of stupid confidence, she raises her head and look at me, directly into my devilish soul, "I may not have a happy life, full of love and happiness at the moment. But I'm not giving up. Even without all of that, life is worth a fight." 

Her gaze is still fixed into my soul, and I stay here, surprised by this girl that is full of entertain in the end. She isn't shaking anymore, as she already knows her fate. Why being terrified if it'll happen anyway? Her body understood this, and is hiding her fear. She is pretending well, but one move from me and she'll cry again and run. I like this game. I like how she is trying so hard to pretend strong, even though we all know it is just a mask. I will watch her show until I am annoyed again and finally finish her off.

"You know, I hate the world." I start, taking another step further to her. She doesn't flinch like before, but I can see the goosebumps on her arms and neck, her body showing me disgust and fear. Satisfied, I keep going. "I hate people. People are useless and stupid. But if you want to know my world so bad, I will show you. I don't think you're ready for this, though. My world is worse than your worst nightmare." I finish with a huge grin, and this time she shivers a little.

 She is so weak, even though she is creating a facade. So unprepared for what she wants to see. It'll be so fun, so fun to see her fall, to fear what I will show her. She will become slowly crazy. It'll be amazing to see all her hopes in life destroyed. I can guess that she has been raised in a good family, far away from the pain, the murders and drugs. She has been raised far from the real world. My world. 

"I'll show you how the true world really is." I take another step further until our bodies are close enough for her to smell the blood on me and see how weak she is next to me. One movement from me and she is dead. I love this dominance I have on her, on everyone. "You believe in love, friendship and happiness? Let me tell you that you are so wrong. The world is full of cruelty. I'm not the worst person on Earth as you may think. No, the worst is you, who's stupid and who don't know anything, living in a fake reality."

I quickly take a step away from her, not wanted to be near her anymore. I can see relief on her, and I hear her breath so loud, as if she had been holding it since I was near her. Bored with her, I turn around to leave by her front door. I suddenly hear her small voice says something like "It's you who don't know anything." I must be wrong, she wouldn't dare.

In one movement, I turn around and give her my best death glare. "What did you say?"

She stares into my soul once again, even better than before, and I am surprised to watch her confidence rising once again. "I said, you're the one who doesn't know anything."

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