Chapter 34: Rock Me

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I felt as if I was drowning. Being ripped away from the light so violently, so quickly, that I could barely register the darkness.

Tears pooled in my eyes, but not from what I was seeing. No, from the pain in my chest, a raw, merciless throbbing that felt as if I had been ripped open and was slowly bleeding out. You never quite forget the cruel sting of betrayal, but when it comes out of nowhere and assaults you, it feels just as unforgiving as it did the first time around.

"I... Sorry." I choked, turning away and running as fast as I could away from them. I could hear Louis swear loudly and a door slam, and I knew he was coming after me. With a newfound fervor, I struggled to make my escape, but there was too many people to get away quickly.

"Stella, stop!" Louis begged, but I wouldn't. I couldn't. If I looked at him, even just for one second, I would absolutely and completely lose it.

He grabbed my arm and I tried my hardest to pull away, but it was no use. He was a lot stronger than I was, and he was not going to let go with out a fight.

"Stella, just wait! It's not what it looks like. Please let me explain" He pleaded, and with that, I couldn't contain myself anymore. All the pain that that was slowly gnawing away at my heart right now came blurting out of my mouth, manifested as words.

"Let you explain? Let you explain?! I am not fucking going to let you explain anything you asshole! I just walked in on you cheating on me with the very same girl who has been bullying and tormenting me for years, and you just expect me to stand here and listen to what you have to say?" I yelled, and I could see his eyes growing dark.

"You have some fucking nerve talking to me about cheating, Stella. You think I don't know about your little yacht rendezvous with Horan the other day?" Louis said, and I gasped.

"How do you know about that?" I asked, horrified.

"It doesn't matter how I know. All that matters is that now you know how it feels." He smirked, and with the agony Louis' words had caused, he may as well as taken out a gun and shot me dead.

"You set this all up, didn't you? The getting back together, asking me to Homecoming, it was all an act, wasn't it? This was all about revenge." I whispered, the realization hitting me like a ton of bricks.

He shrugged. "Pretty much."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. No, more like I wouldn't acknowledge the words he was saying were actually coming out of his mouth. Because if did, well, I didn't want to think about what I would do.

"After everything I did for you. God, i'm such an idiot. I actually thought you loved me." I mumbled, more than myself than to him, feeling numb.

"Yeah, well love hurts. You should know that better than anyone." He snarled.

"Hey Stel, i've been looking everywhere for you." I heard a voice from behind me say, and I began to panic. I couldn't bear to see Niall, not now. One look at him and I wouldn't be able to contain myself any longer. My throat began constricting and I felt as if I was suffocating, being strangled by the smoke from the atomic bomb Louis had just dropped on my life.

"Horan, if you want to go on living with all your limbs intact, I suggest you get the fuck out of here right now." Louis said angrily, his eyes now almost completely black with fury. I stayed silent, telepathically willing Niall to go away.

Unfortunately, he didn't seem to get the message. "Tomlinson, I am fucking tired as hell of your shit. Go fuck yourself." Niall yelled, his fist clenching.

"What did you just say?" Louis took a threatening step forward, looking positively homicidal.

"I said-" Niall began, but I cut him off.

"Stop it." I begged, bursting into tears, just like I had predicted. "I need to get out of here, I just want to go home, someone please take me home." I rambled, to distraught to even form a coherent thought.

"What did you do to her?! I swear to God if you hurt her i'll kill you with my bare hands." Niall said menacingly, and from the look on his face, I could tell he wasn't kidding.

"He cheated on me. With Eleanor." I blurted, sobbing as I finally admitted the truth to myself.

I heard Niall take a sharp intake of breath, and a protective arm was slung across my shoulders. "That's it. That's fucking it!" He yelled, and people began to stare. "Tomlinson, it's over between you and her, you understand me?! If I see you even come close to her i'll snap your neck in half. Come on baby." He whispered into my ear. "I'm going to get you away from him, okay? He's not going to hurt you anymore."

I couldn't do anything but nod as Niall pulled me into him, using his own body as a protective shield. He lead me through the crowd and up a set of stairs, though I wasn't quite sure where he was taking me. Eventually we stopped at the end of a long hallway, and he opened a door, guiding me in. He closed and locked it behind us before wrapping his arms around me, squeezing me tightly. I buried my head in his chest, searching for some sort of solace that I knew wasn't going to come.

"I'm so, so sorry, love." He said soothingly, smoothing down my hair. "So sorry."

"He," sniff  "Cheated," sob "On me." I forced through my tears, the pain in my chest now worse than ever.

"He's an idiot. A complete and utter idiot. I should have never let him have a chance with you, I should have protected you from him, this is all my fault." Niall said with a heartbreaking sadness, and much to my horror I could see that he was crying.

"Why are you crying?" I asked him. "Oh god Niall, please don't cry, this is not your fault."

"Seeing you cry is like feeling as if all the happiness has gone from the world." He whispered, and I squeezed him even tighter.

"I'm sorry." I said into his chest.

"What on earth are you apologizing for?" He laughed softly.

"For upsetting you, and for getting make up all over your shirt. God, I must look as terrible as I feel." I said glumly.

Niall cupped my chin is hand, bringing my gaze up to meet his. "First off, don't you ever apologize to me, for anything. Secondly, you are so fucking beautiful that you still take my breath away, even after all these years. Don't let that asshole make you think otherwise."

"What would I do without you?" I asked him, wrapping my fingers around his own. Even when I wanted nothing more than to just lay down and die, Niall was always there with precisely the right thing to say to make me want to keep holding on.

"You're never going to have to find out." He kissed my fingers softly. "Wherever you go, I go. Whatever you do, I do. Whatever you need or want, i'll make sure you get it. One day, when we finally get out of this place, i'm going to get down on one knee and propose to you with the most beautiful ring Tiffany's has to offer, and i'm going to build you a big house with a white picket fence and children that are going to be just as beautiful as their mother. I am going to love you and protect you until the day I die."

"I don't deserve you." I told him bluntly. "I never have. There's something wrong with me Niall, it's like i'm incapable of having a normal relationship with anyone."

"Let me help you change that." He pleaded, his eyes staring straight into mine. "Let me show you how a real man treats the woman he loves. Louis is nothing but an immature little boy, he's barely capable of taking care of himself, much less someone else. Don't take his faults upon yourself."

"Niall, I just don't know if this is a such a good-"

But before I could finish, he shut me up by pressing his lips against mine feverishly. I stiffened at first, surprised by his forward action, but after a few seconds I began to relax into it. Niall's kisses felt like coming home after a long time away, or putting on your warmest, softest sweater in winter. They were like a band aid that had the power to heal any wound.

I placed a hand on his chest to steady myself as I leaned deeper into our kiss, willing him not to want to pull away. He hummed in appreciation, resting his hands softly on my lower back.

I slid off his jacket, all of a sudden becoming overwhelmed by the need to be as close to him as possible. He helped me shrug it off of him, tossing it aside. Slowly, I trailed my hands down the soft fabric of his shirt, slipping them underneath and onto the warm, toned muscles of his stomach. As soon as my skin made contact with his, Niall pulled away, resting his forehead against mine.

"Where are we going with this?" He asked cautiously. I had to admit, it was a valid question. I'd been a acting in the heat of the moment, not really thinking about where it was headed. But, the answer was painfully clear.

"I want you to rock me." I whispered in his ear.

His eyes grew dark at my words, and he pushed me back onto the bed so that I was laying underneath him, supporting his own weight up with his arms. "You have no idea how long i've waited to hear you say those words again." He growled, looking at me seductively. "But I need you to look me in the eye and tell me that this is what you really want."

I grabbed the hem of his shirt and began slowly inching up the fabric. "Is this enough of an answer for you?" I asked suggestively, helping him to pull of the thin material and discarding it on the floor.

He didn't reply, choosing instead to leave a trail of tender kisses down my neck and the sliver of exposed chest under my dress. I shivered at how gentle he was being, getting butterflies in my stomach every time his lustful blue eyes met my own. Slowly, I reached out my hands to unbutton his jeans, expecting him to stop me, but he didn't. All he did was moan into my neck as my fingers slipped down the front of his boxers.

"Stella..." He breathed, and I could tell he was using all the self control he had. "Stella, stop. Tonight isn't about me, it's about you."

"But I wan't to make you feel good. It's the least I can do after all you've done for me." I complained, sliding my hand even further down.

He grabbed my wrist. "Trust me baby, what's about to happen is more than enough repayment."

He tentatively slid a large hand up my thigh, pushing up them hem of my dress. "One day soon," He began as he hooked his fingers around my underwear, "We're going to do this properly. But i'm still going to try to make this as special as possible for you."

I nodded, not because I thought he could do better, but because I knew that making love to Niall was going to special, probably the most special thing that was ever going to happen to me. He was the only person I had ever been with and that most likely wasn't going to change, not that I wanted it too. He was the only person who had ever really and truly loved me unconditionally and endlessly, despite everything that had tried it's hardest to tear us apart. Whatever our souls were made of, his and mine are the same, the Wuthering Heights quote coming to mind as I gave him one last feverish kiss on the lips. There was a reason something always brought me back to him. He was my everything, my gravity, the only thing that gave me a reason to stay on this earth.

I placed my hands on top of his, helping him to remove his jeans, which he kicked off. He was now in nothing but his boxers, looking confident, a far change from how nervous and sheepish he had been the first time around, four years ago. "Lay down, love." He commanded, motioning to the pillows behind me. "I want you to be comforable."

I did as I was told, my heart fluttering at his genuine concern for my wellbeing, even in a moment like this. I was now looking straight up at him, my breath catching in my throat as I took in his life ruining perfection, which I so often overlooked. I could look at him every single second of every day for the rest of my life, and still I would never be able to get enough of him. It was as if he wasn't even real, he was so absolutely and completely gorgeous.

"I love you." I blurted, the words slipping out of my mouth before they'd even registered in my mind.

A soft smile spread across his face, and he pushed a stray lock of hair off my forehead before pressing a soft kiss on it. "And I love you."

He removed his boxers, tossing them onto the floor next to his jeans before taking a tiny foil square out of one of the pockets and ripping it open with his teeth. This time there was no trembling hands and swearing under his breath, he had no problems readying himself. Sometimes it shocked me how much he had grown up, right before my very eyes. He was no longer the shy, awkward little boy that I had first fallen in love with, he was a man now. A man that had the whole world at his feet, yet for some reason still found it within himself to love someone as messed up as me.

"Are you ready?" He asked me, same as last time.

I slipped my hand into his, squeezing it tightly. "Always."

Gently, he pushed into me, beginning to move tantalizingly slow. It felt nothing like it had all those years ago, uncomfortable and painful. His gentleness made me feel completely at ease, because I knew he was thinking about my needs rather than putting himself first, which was a complete turn on. I wrapped my arms around him, nuzzling my face into his neck, and he began whispering sweet nothings about how beautiful I was and how lucky he was to be with me, which only added to the rush of emotions I was feeling.

For a while we stayed like that, him moving at a lazy, rhythmic pace, every so often hitting a particularly sensitive area that would cause me to dig my fingernails into his back and moan his name.

"Fuck Stel." He breathed after the third time of this happening. "I'm going to take it up a notch, okay?"

He began moving faster in and out of me, his kind whispers quickly turning into words that would make anyone blush. I was surprised at how quickly his persona had changed, but I had to admit this dark Niall, the one that had so briefly made an appearance a couple weeks ago was sexy as hell.

"I'm close." He warned me through rapid, shallow breaths, resting a hand on the headboard to steady himself. "But I need you to finish first. I want to watch you."

I myself was struggling to hold on, but the sight of him above me so nearly coming undone was almost too much for me to handle.

"You're safe with me baby." He said softly, gently stroking my cheek. "You're safe with me."

With his words, that was it. I involuntarily scraped my nails down his back at the pleasure, softly moaning his name. Niall himself seemed pretty far gone, considering he seemed to have lost the ability to form coherent sentences and was now just swearing quietly under his breath.

Finally, he collapsed next to me, still breathing heavily. Without wasting any time, he spooned me into him, softly pressing a kiss into the crook of my neck.

"That was incredible." He said. "You have no idea how in love with you I am right now."

I snuggled into him. "Not possibly as much as I am with you. That was perfect. You're perfect. Let's do it again."

"Whoa there Stel, give a guy a chance to recover." Niall laughed. "We have all the time in the world to be together. I never want to be without you." He assured me, his voice dropping back down to a whisper.

"You never will be. Heaven is a place on earth with you, there's no where else i'd rather be then in your arms." I told him, meaning every word I had said. This was it, there was nothing else for me in this entire world but Niall James Horan, there never had been. Did I love Louis? Of course. Had he broken my heart? Absolutely. But the thing about broken hearts and broken people is that they could both be fixed with time.

"Let's go home." Niall said. My parents are in Ft. Lauderdale visiting friends, they wont be back until tomorrow so we'll have the whole place to ourselves."

"Sounds good to me." I smiled, reluctantly detaching myself from him so that he could stand up and get dressed. I allowed myself to subtly admire the way he looked in the dim lighting as he did so, but he caught me staring and smirked.

"Stella Grace Parker, are you checking me out?" He joked. "Stop staring, I feel violated."

"Shut up you jerk. I wasn't even looking at you." I blushed, my smile giving me away.

He opened his mouth to reply but was cut off by a banging on the door. We both stayed quiet, obviously hoping whoever was knocking would get the hint and leave, but no such luck.

"Sorry mate, this room is taken." Niall called to whoever was standing on the other side of the door. Immediately, the pounding stopped.

"Niall? Is that you?" They replied, and my breath hitched in my throat.

"Yes you tosser, now go away." Niall said angrily, obviously not recognizing the voice the way I had. I began to hyperventilate, biting down on my lip to keep from screaming.

But they didn't go away. The doorknob began jiggling, and even though it was locked, I knew that wasn't going to stop the person who was standing on the other side of that frame. If I had thought the world had ended about half an hour ago, I had been sadly mistaken. No, the apocalypse wasn't due to begin for about another twenty seconds.

So much for heaven being a place on earth. Everything was about to go to hell, and we were going down with it.



SO... I know a lot of you are going to hate me. But this was actually the first chapter of the story I ever wrote, so i've had this planned the entire time. Did any of you totally expect that this was going to happen? Or was it a surprise??? Let me know! Just so you know, this story isn't anywhere near to being finished, i'm really only getting started with all the good stuff:))) As for the long period of time inbetween updates, i'm a college freshman, I barely have time to breath! I still hope that you guys are enjoying the story though, I am still 100% invested in it and will continue updating as often as possible:) 

xoxo Mac

Truly, Madly, Deeply: A Dark Louis Tomlinson Fan FictionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon