Chapter 11: Another World

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After the initial shock pertaining to the fact I was being taken against my will by some invisible captor, I realized that I definitely had to do something about it. With great difficulty, I opened my mouth and bit down as hard as I could on the person's hand.

"SHIT!" They exclaimed, their hand immediately dropping off my mouth. "God Stel, there's no reason to spread your rabies." 

All of a sudden, a wave of relief washed over me. I would know that voice anywhere. I had grown up listening to that same joking, condescending tone. "Asher, what are you doing here?" I asked, a mixture of excitement and confusion in my voice. "And why are you trying to kidnap me?"

I flipped on the light in our dad's office, right off the hall, and gently closed the door behind us. It had been months since the last time i'd seen my brother, and as much as I hated to admit it, he looked better than ever. In addition to being intelligent and athletic, Asher had pretty much gotten all the good looks. When he was at CGSH, his thick dark brown hair and hazel eyes had made him the most sought after guy in school, pretty much the polar opposite of me. 

"I wasn't trying to kidnap you." Asher said. "I just didn't want you to make any noise." 

Only in Asher's world would throwing your hand over someone's mouth and dragging them around in the dark be a plausible excuse for wanting them to be quiet. He honestly hadn't changed in the past fifteen years. "That still doesn't explain why you're here. Aren't you supposed to be at Harvard?"

Asher sighed, running a hand solemnly through his dark hair. "Well that's the thing. I sort of dropped out." 

I could practically feel my draw drop to the floor. I must have been dreaming. Asher Parker, my brother, would never dream of dropping out of anything. He'd once played an entire championship soccer match with a sprained ankle, and the team still won. "You dropped out? Why?!"

"I was miserable up there Stel. Do you have any idea how boring law school is? Or how cold it is in Boston? I've had enough." He said definitivly. 

"Do mom and dad know?" I asked, still shocked.

Asher laughed, as if I had said something completely ridiculous. "Of course not! Why do you think I didn't want you to make any noise? They can't know i'm here."

I stared Asher down. "How do you expect to hide the fact you dropped out of school from our parents? They practically know what happens in our lives before we do."

Asher nodded in agreement. "Well i'm going to at least hide it as long as I can, and you can't tell them either Stel."

I sighed. Asher was a pain in the ass, but I loved him. "I wont tell. But honestly, have you even thought this out? Where are you staying?"

Asher smirked at me, as if the answer was obvious. "With Tori."

Now that I thought of it, the answer should have been obvious. In this town, it was rare you would hear Asher's name spoken without being immediately followed by Astoria Reed's, and vice versa. They'd been dating since they were freshman in high school. Astoria was the astoundingly beautiful daughter of the editor in chief of the Miami Herald and his socialite wife, who came from old southern money. Astoria couldn't go anywhere without being trailed by photographers and reporters. She'd gone to UM with my brother and now lived in a penthouse in the most exclusive apartment building in South Beach. Asher didn't need us or a job for that matter, he and Astoria were probably getting along just fine.

I opened my mouth to further interrogate him but he cut me off. "Now it's my turn to ask questions. What happened to you?"

All of a sudden I felt nauseated. I sunk to the ground, my head in my hands. In the all the excitement of seeing Asher, the earlier events of tonight had slipped my mind. I wanted to start crying, but crying wouldn't help Louis. I needed answers.

Truly, Madly, Deeply: A Dark Louis Tomlinson Fan FictionΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα