Chapter 13: Back to December

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A/N: Hey guys, sorry if this chapter is super depressing, i've been crying like all day because the 1D concert is over and it was so amazing and i'll probably never get to see them again or meet them and I was looking forward to it for so long and i'm pretty depressed about the whole thing. Anyway, I wasn't going to update for a little while but I decided to just channel my feelings into this chapter so here you go.

P.S. This chapter is a little dirty but since i'm really awkward it's pretty mild

Xoxo Mac


Strangely enough, the one really vivid memory I have about that day is how cold it was. In hindsight, when I walked outside into the frigid bitter night, I should have taken the cold as some sort of warning. Like the night was warning me about the events that would transpire in it's dark, shadowy depths. However, clad in my warmest Burberry parka, I didn't really think much of the temperature. I didn't think that this night would be different then any of the others that had come before it. 

Thinking that everything and everyone around me was so predictable was the worst mistake I ever made.

I walked slowly down the familiar path to Niall's, in no particular rush. It was Saturday, which meant it was movie and pizza night. Every week we variated who got to choose what movie we'd watch, it was my turn and i'd picked Titanic, which we'd both seen about 1.2 billion times but still always cried at the end.

When I finally got to Niall's house, I used my spare key to just walk right on in, just like we always did. "It's Stella!" I called to no one in particular.

"Hey sweetie!" Called Mrs. Horan from the kitchen. "Come help me get the pizza out of the oven."

I dropped my backpack and walked into the kitchen, giving Mrs. Horan a quick kiss on the cheek. Unlike my own mom, who would probably burn water if she tried to cook, Mrs. Horan was a domestic goddess who was constantly making new foods from scratch for us to try out.

"I made barbecue chicken pizza tonight, I hope that's okay." She smiled warmly. 

"Sounds perfect!" I said, looking around for my best friend, who could more often then not be found in the kitchen. "Where's Niall?"

"Oh he just went out with some friends." Said Mrs. Horan. "He said he'd be back by the time you got here." 

That was odd. Niall didn't have any friends from school other than me, that I knew of anyway. Maybe they were some of his friends from Soccer or Music camp. However, no sooner than the thought had crossed my mind did we hear the front door open, a blast of loud music, and Niall yelling goodbye to someone. Laughing, he sauntered into the kitchen, and I could literally feel my jaw drop. Gone was the shaggy haired, polo shirt wearing all around dorky Niall, and in his place was a leather jacket and skinny jeans clad imposter who looked as if he had broken into the life time supply of hair gel I was pretty sure Zayn Malik kept hidden in his bathroom. 

"Hey." He said simply, throwing open the fridge door and taking a swig from the orange juice carton. 

"Honey, I told you to stop drinking from the carton." Said Mrs. Horan, as if Niall was wearing the same daggy trackpants and faded UM sweatshirt that was his typical weekend uniform. 

"What are you wearing?" I blurted out, letting my curiousity get the best of me.

"Oh!" Said Niall, surprised, as if the clothes had magically appeared on his body this very second. "I was at Harry's. We were fooling around and Liam pushed me in the pool so Harry leant me some dry stuff to change into."

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