Chapter 18: What Makes You Beautiful (Part 1)

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A/N: When I wrote this chapter, it ended up being crazy long so i've decided to split it into two parts rather than just uploading all 10+ pages at once. This is Part 1 of Chapter 18: What Makes You Beautiful:)


When I woke up the next morning for school, I was absolutely exhausted. It felt as if the last two days had been the longest weekend of my life, and I had to say, I was glad it was over. However, I was not looking forward to facing Niall. 

I dressed simply in a 3.1 Phillip Lim sweater with jeans and my black Hermés riding boots, sweeping all my school supplies into the sky blue Coach Legacy duffle Astoria had given to me on my last birthday. I quickly twisted my hair into a bun and swiped on some mascara, too tired to really care about how I looked. By the time I finally got downstairs, my parents had already left for work, which I was thankful for. I hadn’t seen much of them the past couple days, and the last thing I needed was my mom berating me about my outfit or college or my lack of a social life or whatever else it is that she couldn’t stand about me.

I got to history late, as usual. Luckily Mr. Sanders hadn’t arrived yet so it would go unnoticed this time. As was custom when I walked by Eleanor, who was sitting in the front row sipping from a Starbucks cup, I kept my eyes firmly trained on my boots, hoping she wouldn’t notice me. Unfortunately, it didn’t work.

“Hey Stel!” She called.

I sighed. “What do you want, Eleanor?”

Eleanor smiled, but it wasn’t a kind smile. It was the type of smile that indicated she knew something that I didn’t know, and she desperately wanted to tell me. That was never a good thing. “No need to be so defensive, love. I just wanted to tell you that I like your bag.”

I blinked, not believing that I had heard her properly. Eleanor Calder complimenting me was like pigs flying or hell freezing over. It just didn’t happen. She was obviously up to something, but I was in no mood to try to figure out what it was. “Thanks El!” I chirped, plastering on a smile that was as fake as hers before continuing onto my seat. Neither Louis or Niall had arrived yet, so I had a couple minutes of alone time to clear my head before I had to face either one of them.

Suddenly, an enthusiastic round of applause interrupted my quiet time. I looked up to see what had caused the disruption. Harry, who was wearing the skinniest jeans I had ever seen and a flannel shirt with only the last three buttons done had sauntered into the room, followed by an embarrassed looking Liam, a broody looking Zayn, an extremely pissed off looking Niall and an indifferent looking Louis. By now everyone and their mother had heard about the gig tonight, and if the boys had been popular before, they were Gods now.

“Make way people, the future most famous band in the world has officially arrived.” Harry said, and everyone started cheering all over again. Liam shot Harry an exasperated look, and I suppressed a laugh. Judging by Harry’s outfit and the way he was basking in the adoration of everyone in first period history, he obviously already thought he was Mick Jagger. Considering I had never actually heard any of the boys sing besides Niall and Louis, I was beginning to become intrigued about hearing them actually come together as a band.

Niall, who was dressed in all black with Ray Bans aviators obscuring his eyes was angrily sulking a couple steps away from his bandmates. He was most likely still infuriated about yesterday, and I couldn’t blame him. It seemed ironic how quickly the tables had turned. Just a few days it ago it had been me hating him, and now he hated me for the exact same reason. 

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