Chapter 21: Teenage Dirtbag (Part 1)

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The rest of the week until the boys' X-Factor audition went by fairly quickly. The Student Council had started hanging up banners for the Homecoming Dance, which had begun to spark whispers of who would be this year's King and Queen. Eleanor was a shoe in for Queen, but I had heard Niall, Harry and Louis' names being thrown around for King. Even though Dani and Perrie were badgering me about it, I still wasn't quite sure I wanted to go. Asher had told me that Homecoming Night was usually the most dramatic of the year and that most couples didn't make it through the after party without breaking up. In light of recent events, I didn't think it was a good idea to play with anymore fire. 

Saturday morning, I rolled out of bed at 6:30, albiet reluctantly. We had to make it to the AA Arena by 8, and Louis and his mom would be here in an hour to pick me up. I had planned on driving myself, since the last thing I wanted was to bring any attention to him and me, but once Johannah had told Mom about the audition and offered to take me it was pretty much preditermined that I was going with them. I dressed in a Free People blouse with jeans and Tory Burch sandals, allowed to wear whatever I wanted since I had been forcefully excluded from the group costume from Eleanor. Earlier this week she had ordered four tshirts that read Team Zayn, Team Liam, Team Harry and Team Niall for Perrie, Danielle, Harry's sister Gemma and herself respectively. When Dani had asked why she didn't just order a Team Louis one for me to round it out, Eleanor had said that I wasn't related to him and I wasn't his girlfriend so it would be weird for me to wear one. I honestly didn't even know why she was going through all this trouble with her whole dating Niall scheme, her jealousy was so blatant it was pretty much slapping us all in the face.

Since my parents were still sleeping, I quietly tiptoed downstairs and out the door, sitting in my usual spot on the front steps to wait for Louis and Johanna. My phone buzzed in my pocket and I pulled it out, opening up a text from Ash.

Ash: I know you're still mad at me for last week but maybe this will make it up to you. A and I are going up to New York for the last couple days of Fashion Week, apartment is yours if you need to escape Mom and Dad x

I smiled at the screen of my phone. Free reign of the penthouse for the weekend sounded almost as good as a vacation to the Bahamas at this point. Maybe Louis could come over and I could make him dinner and we could swim in the pool and pretend for once that we had normal, worry free lives. It sounded to good to be true, but maybe, just maybe it could happen. A shiny white Lexus SUV pulled into the driveway, next to Mom's Mercedes coupe. I waved and walked over to the car quickly, sliding into the backseat.

"Good morning darling." Johannah trilled, smiling at me from the front seat. 

"Morning!" I said, returning her smile before kissing Louis, who was dressed in a black tshirt and jeans, on his stubbly cheek. "Are you ready?" I asked him, buckling my seat belt. 

He sighed, looking at me nervously. "Not really. But it's worth giving a go right?" 

"Of course!" I said reassuringly. "You'll be great." 

"None of the boys will tell me what song they're singing, even though they ransacked my house last night and ate all the groceries I spent three hours shopping for." Johannah said jokingly. 

"It's a surprise." Louis insisted. "And we did not eat all the food."

"Niall ate an entire oven pizza, a bag of chips, and half a rotisserie chicken." Johannah replied. "I can't afford for you to invite him over again." 

I laughed, thinking about how back in the day my mom would always complain about how much Niall ate whenever he would come over. I guess the more people seemed to change the more they stayed the same.

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