Chapter 31: Homecoming (Part 1)

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I haven't spoken to Louis since our fight. I haven't really spoken to anyone, for that matter. I'm too afraid. Afraid that if someone asks me what's wrong, i'll have to admit that it's over between me and Louis, and that is something I absolutely am not ready to do.

Surprisingly, I haven't cried, or yelled or broken anything. I don't really do anything but stare at my phone, hoping he'll call, but he never does. Niall has insisted on driving me to school the last couple days, and I know that to him my emotionless demeanor is probably scarier than if I was throwing tantrums. He'd taken one look at me after my fight with Louis and i'd had to physically restrain him from storming into the house and starting something that would end badly for all of us. Since then, Niall seemed to be doing everything he could to prevent me from having any contact with Louis, which I suppose was for the best. One look and i'd probably go crawling back to him, no matter what Ryder said had to happen on Sunday.

I had also spoken to Perrie, just to tell her I was no longer going to Homecoming. I hadn't given her any details as to why, but I knew she'd piece it together. She'd been really disappointed, even offering to blow it off with me or have Harry, who was dateless, take me in Louis' place, but without him I had no reason to want to go.

It was Saturday morning, the day of the game and subsequent dance, but instead of getting ready to go cheer on the boys I was packing an overnight bag, planning on spending the evening sequestered with Ash and Tori at the apartment. Nobody would bother me there, and I wouldn't have to think about all the fun I was missing out on.

I had just zipped up my Lesportsac duffle when there was a knock at the door. "Come in!" I called, sighing. It was my mother, dressed casually in a pencil skirt and plum colored blouse. Nobody was more disappointed than her that I wasn't going to Homecoming. Johannah had let it slip at work that Louis was taking me, and mom had gotten so excited that she had offered to take me to Oscar de la Renta and have a gown custom fitted. She hadn't spoken to me since I had told her last night I was no longer planning to attend.

"Darling, you have a visitor." She said excitedly, tucking a stray blonde hair back into her chignon.

"Is it Niall?" I asked hopefully. There was a part of me that wished he would ditch Eleanor and take me to Homecoming instead, but Niall was a gentleman who never went back on his promises.

She shook her head, smiling. "It's Louis."

"Louis is here?" I breathed, not quite sure how I should feel. I wanted to see him desperately, but there was no way on earth I was emotionally stable enough to survive another argument with him.

"Yes, he's waiting downstairs. Should I send him up?"

I deliberated for about three seconds before nodding. "Yes."

Mom disappeared and about two minutes later there was another knock at the door. "Stel, it's Louis."

My heart skipped a beat at the sound of his voice. I stared down at my lavender Ralph Lauren bedspread, preparing myself for the rush of emotions I knew I would feel as soon as he walked in. "Are you going to yell at me?" I blurted before I could stop myself, wishing I could take the words back as soon as they were out of my mouth.

"Of course not baby. Can you please just let me in?" Said his muffled voice from the hallway, and I padded over to the door, opening it up.

He looked absolutely exhausted. I hadn't seen much of him at school the last couple days, but from afar he had looked just as handsome as ever. Up close though, his eyes were bloodshot, his skin was blotchy, and it didn't even look as if he had bothered to brush his hair. "Oh Louis..." Was all I could manage to say, my worry for his health completely eradicating any leftover animosity I had been feeling towards him.

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