Chapter 2: Over Again

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"Everyone, this is Louis Tomlinson. He just moved here from England and this is his first time to America, so I expect you to all be very understanding." Mrs. Lopez said seriously.

I nodded, but I was barely listening. I was too mesmerised by Louis. He was by far the most gorgeous boy i'd ever seen in my life, and that was something considering I was from Miami. He was wearing pegged maroon skinny jeans with gray corduroy Toms and a chambray short sleeve button down, his light brown hair partially obscured by a black beanie. Various tattoos covered his arms, and I was surprised that Mrs. Lopez hadn't said anything. Zayn and Harry both had about a million tattoos each, but always covered up so that they wouldn't get in trouble. However, Louis didn't seem to care. He just smiled at us crookedly, his aquamarine eyes gleaming mischeviously. 

"He's mine." I heard Eleanor whisper to Dani and Perrie. Almost immediately, my heart dropped. What had I been thinking? A guy who looked like that would want absolutely nothing to do with me, not when Eleanor Calder wanted him. Blinking back the tears that were irrationally filling my eyes, I turned my attention to my notes.

"Welcome to CGHS Mr. Tomlinson. Why don't you take the seat nect to Ms. Parker?" Said Mr. Sanders.

"Sir, there's room up here by me?" Eleanor exclaimed, but Mr. Sanders shook his head.

"You don't exactly need any more distractions, Ms. Calder." Mr. Sanders deadpanned. Some of the class started snickering, but Eleanor glared at them and they immediately stopped.

Louis started walking towards the empty seat next to me, my heart beating faster and faster as he did so. He was even more handsome up close. He smiled at me as he sat down, and I swear I almost fainted. Faint stubble covered his chin, but it didn't look dirty or anything. It was just plain hot.

"Hey." He said, in the sexiest accent i'd ever heard.

"Hey." I replied, trying not to completely freak out and scare him off. "I'm Stella."

"Pretty name. It fits you." He said, smiling that gorgeous crooked smile, and I could feel a blush creeping up my cheeks. Was it possible that he was actually flirting with me? I refused to let myself believe that was what was happening.

"So you're from the U.K., yeah?" Said Niall from behind me, and I wanted to punch him for butting in. Well, I wanted to punch Niall for a lot of reasons, but especially this. "I am as well."

"Whearabouts mate?" Louis asked excitedly, his attention now fully on Niall.

"Mullingar, in Ireland. You?" Niall asked.

"London, via Doncaster." Louis replied.

"You play any sports?" 

Louis nodded, "Football." (A/N as in soccer, not NFL!)

"Same!" Said Niall, who was captain of the soccer team. "You should try out for the team! Why don't you sit with us at lunch, Harry, Zayn, Liam and I can give you the details."

"Sounds brilliant." Louis beamed. If my heart had been sinking before, it was now going down faster than the freaking Titanic. Eleanor was just hours away from sinking her perfectly manicured claws into Louis, and I was doomed to spend the next year watching them be CGHS's "It Couple".

The bell rang, and I watched as Louis and Niall walked off, immersed in conversation. Sadly, I gathered my things and followed, once again overshadowed by the allure of the Populars.

. . .

The day went by quickly, and I can honestly say that i'd never been so happy to get in my Mustang and speed off campus, heading in the direction of the mall. My mom had said to pick out something "suitable", which to her meant pink and frilly, the complete opposite of my style. I headed into Bloomingdales, her favorite store, knowing i'd be sure to find something in there. After a couple hours of browsing, I finally settled on a white lace Calvin Klein shift dress, which was boring, but harmless. 

I drove home, pulling up in the driveway next to my dad's black Bentley. The fact that he was home meant that I probably only had about half an hour to get ready. I ran upstairs to my room and quickly dressed, thanking the Gods that I had the art of getting ready quickly down to a science. I powered my face, added a fresh coat of lipstick, then threw my long hair up into a quick ballerina bun. 

"Stella!" Called my mom from downstairs. "We're leaving!" 

"Crap." I said, looking down at my bare, unpedicured feet. I shoved on a pair of black Tory burch flats and ran downstairs, knowing my mom would kill me for not wearing heels. 

Sure enough, she looked at me, dissapointed, perfectly dressed herself in a black cocktail dress and pearls. 

"Let's just go." She sighed, and I followed her and my dad out to the car. We drove to South Beach in relative silence, and I was almost grateful to pull up to Nobu. At least we were meeting with Mom's new business partner and her kids so i'd have someone to talk to.

My dad handed the keys to the valet and we walked in. "Party of eight, Parker." He told the hostess.

"The others have already arrived." The hostess said. "I'll take you right over."

"There they are." My mom said, pointing to a table in the far corner. "That's Jay, and that's her son, Louis, that I was telling you about."

A clammy, dizzy feeling rushed over my body for the second time that day, almost so intenste that I had to grab on to my mom for support. It was a feeling that could only be caused by one boy, a boy who this morning had walked into my history class and stole my heart. I had thought that I would never get the chance to speak to him again, yet here he was, sitting at the very table where I was about to eat my dinner.

"This should be interesting." I thought to myself.

Little did I know just how right I was.



Hey everyone! This is just a filler for the next chapter, which I promise is going to be waaayyyyyyyyy more exciting! I hope you are all enjoying the story so far, remember, feel free to comment your thoughts! Fan, Vote, Share, Follow, and all that if you could or want to:) Love you all!

xoxo Mac

Truly, Madly, Deeply: A Dark Louis Tomlinson Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now