A secret of Super Junior's heart

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Okey, I'm kinda new in here and this is my first fanfic, so hope you like it. ^^

I'm not a very good writer and I'm not good in English neither so don't judge me if I write something wrong :D 

It's 11 pm, Heechul just arrived from his schedule, he had the longest today. "YAHHH!!! Is anyone home?" Heechul yelled to his dongsaengs. Heechul heard some quick steps coming towards him. It was Ryeowook who had just come out of the kitchen. "I hope you have made something good for dinner." Heechul said with a little aegyo, "I'm so hungry that I could eat a whole cow." 

"Dinner is almost ready if Kyuhyun wouldn't be so slow coming back with food" Ryeowook said being a little bit upset. "Who cares, I just want to eat something. Is Eunhyuk and Donghae home?" Heechul asked. "Yes they are, but they are in their own room and haven't come out since we got home from our schedule." Ryeowook answered. 

Heechul took off his coat and boots and rushed to the door of dongsaeng's room. "YAHH,, Come out!! Dinner is almost ready." he knocked at the door with a little anger, "You know I'll get grumpy when I'm hungry." Soon he heard how the door was unlocked and dongsaengs came out. "Hey Heechul" Donghae smiled at Heechul-hyung, "Did you just arrive?". "Yes I just arrived." Heechul smiled back at Donghae "Now let's go to the kitchen, Ryeowook said that dinner is almost ready.", and pulled them both out of their room and gave them a weak kicks to their butts.

"Where is that Kyuhyun? Dinner will be cold if he doesn't arrive soon." Ryeowook said, now with some anger inside. Soon the door opened and made a big bang. "Finally." Wookie said when he heard the sound of the door. "Sorry Wookie for staying so long, the road was blocked because of the road repairs." Kyuhyun apologized. "It's okay. Now you're here and we can start eating." They both sat at the table and started to eat. They all looked happy exept Eunhyuk who hadn't touched his food.

"Hyuki, why don't you eat? Is something wrong?" Donghae asked with a litte worried sound.

"Ahh, it's okay. I just feel a little bit dizzy." Eunhyuk said. Ryeowook quickly responded to what Eunhyuk had just said, "Eunhyuk, maybe you should go and rest for a while."
"Let me help you." Donghae said with a sweet sound. "NOO!!" Ryeowook yelled. Everyone stared at Ryeowook like he had done something embarrassing. "I mean, you, Donghae, eat your food, I'll help Eunhyuk." Wookie said with embarrassment.

Ryeowook took Eunhyuk to his room and put him on his bed. "Eunhyuk, it's happening." Ryeowook said with a serious tone. "What's gonna happen?" Eunhyuk was worried. Wookie knew that he was scared because he heard it in his voice. "You are turning Hyuki."

"What!!??" Eunhyuk was surprised. "You're becoming a vampire Eunhyuk." Ryeowook said with a more serious tone in his voice. "Noo!! Not now!!" Eunhyuk screamed with tears falling from his cheeks. "You're joking, right?" Eunhyuk asked being frightened. He looked at Ryeowook and he saw in his eyes that it's not a joke. It's happening for real. Eunhyuk got so scared that he didn't know what he was going to say to his best friend Donghae. "What's happening to me?" Eunhyuk asked again, fear in his voice. "You are the oldest in here."

"Oldest!!??" Ryeowook looked surprised. "I'm not the olde...Ouuuu, you mean the oldest vampire in this building, right?" Ryeowook asked. "Yes, what's happening to me first?" Hyuki asked, now angrier and more frightened than usual. "Well...." Wookie thought. "Every vampire has a different line of turning, like when I turned into a vampire, my eyes were first that changed and fangs came last. I don't know what's coming first, I hope it's not thirst." Ryeowook was worried. "What happens when thirst is coming first?" Eunhyuk asked. "You will lose control of yourself and you're starting to kill innocent people. It's like you're not yourself anymore, you're a monster then and you don't care if it's some stranger or your best friend. You only think of the blood."

Eunhyuk covered his ears so he couldn't hear anything his dongsaeng had just said. He was so scared that Ryeowook saw how his fangs started to grow. "Ohh, thank god." Ryeowook said with relief. Eunhyuk saw how he put his hand over his chest and started breathing like something was over. "What is it?" Eunhyuk asked curiously. Ryeowook went to his closet and took out a mirror and gave it to his hyung. "FANGS!!!??" Eunhyuk yelled. "Keep it down Eunhyuk!! You don't want the others know that you're becoming a vampire, do you?"

"No." Eunhyuk said. "Good that fangs came first, now we don't need to worry about my thirst." Eunhyuk said with relief. "Yes but you can't come outside for a while, only if you wear a mask. I had to wear glasses for a week and I had to make up stupid excuses." Ryeowook laughed. "Do you have a mask?" Ryeowook asked, "I have one mask in my drawer." Eunhyuk smiled."

Eunhyuk went to his room and puts his mask on, not leaving from there. Ryeowook joined the others.

Hope you like it ^^ Don't forget to vote and comment.

I know it's my first fanfic, but I did my best :D 

Soon I will write the chapter 2, but I have to think first :D lol

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