Chapter 25

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Mark's POV:


"Yes baby girl?"

"What are we doing here?" She asks nervously.

"To do some business baby girl."

"What kind of business?"

"You'll see."

I open the door and get out followed by my love.

We walk across the gravel road to the warehouse.

I open the door for Josie and my security guards comes in behind me.

"John take Josie into the back room please." I order.

John grabs Josie's arm and leads her into the back room.

"Mark what are you doing with Josie?" Lucas, one of my security guards asks.

"I'm giving her a choice, either to marry me or we are discussing our relationship." I answer.

"Marry you? Already?! You've barely even dated the girl." He states.

"Ya I know but I love her, she's the one for me, I wanna know if she feels the same way about me." I explain.

"Ok I still think you should wait a bit longer on this though like she might say no cuz she doesn't even know you very well yet." He says.

Now that I think about it, he's right, what if she doesn't wanna be with me.

We really haven't dated for that long, I hope she says yes though, I really wanna be with her and have a future with her.

I turn on the laptop in my office and look at the surveillance tape. I see John in the back room with Josie. I turn up the sound so I can hear what they are saying.

"Do you know why I'm here?" Josie asks John.

"I may know a little of the reason why." John hints.

"He's not planning to kill me is he?" Josie asks nervously.

"Not that I know of." John answers.

"Oh gosh, your making me nervous." Josie trembles in fear.

"Don't worry you'll be fine." John states.

"I sure hope so...." Josie says under her breath.

I watch on the surveillance camera as John leaves and Kaiden enters.

"Ok sweetheart, you have two choices."

"What are those?" Josie's eyes widen.

"So there is a box in that desk over there in the top right hand drawer. You will find a ring in there. You can either put it on or leave it. If you put it on, you will have made a commitment to "the boss", basically saying that you agree to marry the boss." Kaiden explains to Josie.

"Who is the boss?" Josie asks.

"Can't tell you sorry."

"So if you put on the ring, you are committing to a relationship with the boss, if you leave it than you will leave here a free woman."

"So if I put on the ring, I am committing to relationship with "the boss"?" Josie asks.

"Yes." Kaiden answers.

"May I have a few minutes to think over my decision?" Josie questions.

"Of course." Kaiden replies and leaves the room.

Kaiden leaves the room and enters my office.

"Well I explained the concept to her, now she has to decide whether she is willing to commit to a relationship with you or not."

"I sure hope she is." I respond sternly.


Hey everyone, it's the author Nicole. I hope you all are enjoying the story!
What do you Josie's response will be to the marriage proposal?
(I'm going to put a picture of the engagement ring in the next chapter).
Bye for now😘💕

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