Chapter 5: The First Day

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Molly woke up staring at the ceiling, she laid in bed for a while wondering where she was. Then it all came rushing back. I'm a witch she thought excitedly. Molly looked over to Rose's bed and an evil smile crept onto her face.

"Rosie! ROSIE!!!" she yelled leaning over Rose's head.

"What?" Rose replied groggily, shaking the sleep from her head.

Molly grinned and said, " You missed our first class." Molly had purposely taken the time to get dressed and wake everyone else up quietly.

"WHAT?!?" Rose shrieked.

"Yeah, sorry I didn't wake you, you looked so peaceful, so I let you sleep and I sorta forgot you were up here," Molly replied trying hard to keep a straight face.

"Oh no, no, no, no, NO! My mum is going to kill me!" Rose was in hysterics fretting over what would happen to her.

Molly couldn't contain it anymore and burst out laughing. Rose looked at her questioningly and slowly the truth dawned on her.

Rose gritted her teeth and said in a dangerous sounding voice, "Molly, I'm so gonna get you!"

Molly took one look at Rose's face and ran out of the room yelling. Rose leapt up and followed immediately. She chased Molly into the common room, where they proceeded to run around the tables. Just as Rose was about to catch her, Albus walked down into the common room woken up by all the noise. Molly jumped behind him still yelling and decided to use Albus to her advantage. She kept him in front of her eyeing Rose warily.

"Molly get out from behind Albus right now!" Rose yelled, red in the face.

Molly stuck her tongue out at Rose and insolently replied, "No."

Albus looked at the two girls with bleary eyes and said in a slurred voice, "What's with all the noise?"

Rose glared at Molly and answered, "Molly here decided it would be funny if she convinced me that I had missed our first class of the day."

Molly grinned and said, "Well, I was right, it was hilarious."

Rose shook her head and threw her hands in the air, "I give up."

"Good, I was starting to get tired," Molly said in response to Rose's surrender. She smiled sweetly at Rose as she glared at her again.

Albus chuckled at the two girls and twisted his head around uncomfortably to look at Molly. "Um, you do realize you can let go of me now?" Molly released him smiling sheepishly.

As soon as everyone was awake, they all headed downstairs with Albus repeating what had happened between Molly and Rose that morning. They were all in fits of laughter, well, excluding Rose. She had a disgruntled expression on her face and they all burst out in a fresh wave of laughter after hearing how Molly had used Albus as a shield to protect herself from Rose. Fred shook his head grinning, "Wow, Molly, I think Sirius and I will have to recruit you to our evil team of pranksters."

"You're not serious, are you?" Molly replied with slight sarcasm.

Sirius snorted and they all looked over at him questioningly. "Well, of course he's not Sirius, I am, duh." They all cracked up laughing at Sirius's little joke about his own name.

The whole gang finally reached the Great Hall, where they continued on through the double doors. They all sat down at the Gryffindor table and began eating. Molly finished before everyone else and walked over to the head table, where all the other students were getting their schedules. She grabbed one off the Gryffindor first year pile and walked back over to her seat.

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