Chapter Sixteen

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As soon as I heard Nick's car pull into the driveway I sprinted from Joe's lap, almost knocking his beer from his hand. I hope she hadn't of left town again or I was going to kill her. If I don't tell her this news I might burst into flames while I reciting words I wish I call tell her over and over again in my head. Not being able to contain myself I ran onto the porch to meet Nick. His face long while his brown eyes were blank. Worried I put a hand on his shoulder. He slowly dragged his eyes up to meet mine and I knew that look all too well. Nick wasn't carrying the saddest brown eyes I've ever seen for a while, but there was an unusual spark replaced in them. I'm far from a fool so when he didn't come home that Monday night I knew immediately where he had spent the night. You put two and two together and you'll know it equals to a private second reunion.

"What happened?" I asked him solemnly.

"She wants you to come over. Joe cooked?"

Nick walked around me as if he visiting Demi hadn't bothered him at all. I said nothing as the screen door shut obediently after Nick. What is really going on here? Something is up with those two and as I went inside to grab my purse and keys, I made a promise to myself. I'm going to find out every damn detail.

Leaving Joe and Nick with a pot of dirty rice and baked chicken I was on my way to Demi's house in no time. Why would she answer the door for Nick and not me? Something isn't right here. She's not telling me a whole lot and from the look on Nick's face she wasn't telling him either. Not that she was forced to tell either of us anything because she wasn't, but she could at least spare our curiosity, especially Nick's. She basically left the man in the middle of the night without a clue to where she ran away to. He's been weeping over that for years and its now getting to the point where Joe and I are fed up with them both.

Nick and Demi are both grown so I don't see what's taking them so long to clear the air. Maybe my news will give at least Demi a feel of wanting to talk it out with her ex. I've always been the type of person to base a persons character from their actions and if either of them don't try, for the sake of our friendship, then I'll know what I needed to know from a long time ago.

Seeing the two-story house that's indeed in need of a new paint job and lawn work, I pulled into the dirt made driveway. Her fancy car still parked in its same spot from yesterday when I came by. Parking close to the porch steps I took the keys from the ignition and got out. Climbing the steps of the porch I was about to knock on the door when I looked on the ground. Demi was sitting on the floor of the porch with her laptop on her thighs and and phone in her hand. She was too engrossed with her conversation to even realised I pulled up. Typical.


A set of brown eyes rushed to my face and she continued on with her phone conversation, rushing them off the line. "I'll call you first thing in the morning..yes now bye." And she was sitting her phone down next to her.

"What the hell is going on with you?" I called down to her, placing ny hands in my hips.

Demi rolled her eyes and tied her hair up into a quick bun.

"Sit, Miley. We have to talk."

The tone in her voice let me knew that the run-around was over. I'm about to face the facts and I grew nervous watching her return to the keyboard of her white laptop. Yes, me fucking nervous. Reluctantly, I sat next to her, her perfume not easing the unsettling feeling in my stomach at all. Demi stayed quiet and tapped a few more times on her keyboard and I looked to her screen. Google search engine was booted and it was displaying images of smoke pipes, homeless people, and Lindsay Lohan. In the search box the words 'cocaine addict' made my eyes almost fall out of their sockets. Not my bestfriend.

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