25. Sweaty Palms

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Dave spotted me the minute I walked past kitchen windows. He smiled brightly and blew me a kiss. I bit my lip, preventing myself from bursting in a fit of giggles, and waved back.

When I drove up their driveway earlier I spotted two cars, one I recognized as Dave's and the other as James', so his parents and brother weren't here yet. Knowing this, I could walk up to the front door a lot less nervously than I previously was.

Fortunately the moment I'd have to meet his parents was postponed. I needed to mentally prepare myself for that moment. Of course Dave's parents don't decide who he dates, but he'll surely take their opinions in consideration. I mean, what if his parents think I'm not worthy of him? He'll probably have to think twice about us dating.

It's not that I didn't trust the intensity of his feelings towards me, but what if his parents could change that. From what I heard of Dave, he absolutely adores them, so their opinions matter to him.

I shook my head, trying to erase those negative thoughts. It wasn't really hard, because as soon as Dave opened the door my full attention was on him. I shortly wondered how he always managed to have that effect on me.

Today, once again, he was dressed impeccable. His white dress shirt was tight around his arms, which made his muscles look bigger. Something I couldn't help but find crazy attractive. Dave's hair was styled to perfection and I couldn't wait to run my hands through it.

"Are you done checking me out yet?" Dave asked with a teasing smile clear on his face.

"I'm your girlfriend. I'm allowed to do that now." I confidently replied, while I felt anything but. I tried to hide my embarrassment and unconsciously bit my lip.

Dave's eyes immediately zeroed to my lips and before I knew it my back was pressed against the front door. He groaned and slid his arm around me, bringing me even closer to him. "You look so sexy when you bite your lip. I can never get enough of kissing those soft lips."

I shot him a seductive smile, "Well, I am certainly not stopping you."

Dave waists no time pressing his lips on mine. He kisses me hard and I kiss him back with just as much force. I close my eyes and enjoy the feeling of his wandering lips, caressing my neck and face. I moan and run my hands through his hair like I imagined earlier. I'm not even really sure what we're doing anymore making out against a door like we haven't seen each other in months, but the few days apart were definitely enough to make crazy with need. I roughly pull his shirt out of his slacks and  let my hands roam over his abs, feeling his body tense under my fingertips. I smile when he lets out a low moan.

Suddenly the whole mood is ruined. We stumbled away from the door as the shrill sound of the doorbell echoed through the house.

"Tell me this isn't happening" I mumbled more to myself than Dave. I was first meeting his parents when I obviously had a make out session with their son.

He sighed "Unfortunately it is"

I chuckled because of the weirdness of this situation and Dave seemed to think exactly the same thing, as his face held an expression similar to mine. I quickly stepped away from him, creating some more distance between us, when Dave opened the door.

"Fix your shirt!" I yell whispered just low enough for his parents not to hear.

As soon as the door opened his mum hugged him and he laughingly said her hello. Lucky for him, and me, she didn't notice Dave's state.

"You've been so busy lately. It was about time you and James invited me and your father over for dinner again." She scolded at him, before noticing me nervously standing somewhere behind him.

Torn Between (a James and Dave Franco FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now