10. Tension

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"Why does that make it worse?!" James exclaimed, still not noticing Dave standing in the room.

I knew he didn't understand. I mean, I found it pretty weird myself too, but there wasn't really something I can do about my feelings.

"I like both of you." I blurted out, shocking both James and Dave. I awkwardly coughed and looked down.

Luckily Dave and James didn't seem really angry with me, because that would suck even more. I just hoped they understood that I wasn't playing them. They looked like they were processing my words and didn't really understand.

"Please understand that I like the both of you." I pleaded. "I'm not playing you and I didn't even know you were brothers! How was I supposed to know when I don't even know your last name." I exclaimed.

James seemed to get it somewhat better now and nodded. "Franco. Our last name is Franco." 

James studied me, waiting for a reaction.

I recognized the name Franco. I don't remember from what or where, but I had heard it before. "Hm, it sounds familiar." I mumbled.

Dave opened his mouth for the first time since he stood in this room. "Probably just a coincidence." His tone was harsh and emotionless. I had never seen Dave like this. He probably was very angry with me.

I nodded and decided I'd ruined enough for one day.

"I explained everything to you and I hope you guys understand." I looked to the ground. "And I hope you aren't angry."

I stood up and walked away, but James suddenly grabbed my wrist. "We're not angry." He looked over to Dave shortly who was glaring at his brother, but looked down and nodded eventually. "It's just..."

"I understand." I freed my hand from his grip and walked to the door. Before I stepped outside I added, "I hope you call, but really, I understand if you don't." I looked in Dave's eyes shortly and then did the same with James.

I grabbed my coat and walked to my car. 

I sighed deeply. The feeling in my chest was horrible. I felt heartbroken for what I'd done, because I knew this could be the last time I saw them. I'm not a cheater, I know I'm not, but they didn't know that yet, so there was a huge chance I'd never hear from either of them again.

Why couldn't I just keep it to one perfect man? Instead of two.

I groaned in frustration and got in the car. I didn't even bother to put on some music and just drove straight home.


A whole week had passed by, again.

Dave called me a few days ago and we talked about everything. He told me he just had to let it all sink in, but he had some issues with James.

I told him the same story I'd told James and he understood after a fiery discussion. After that we just talked and he asked me out on a proper date, which surprised me really. He wanted to try, maybe because I told him I hadn't talked to James in a week, and probably would never talk to him again.

Dave wanted to go on a date were he didn't leave me all of a sudden and we both were sober. Oh, and don't forget! Clean. So no mud and alcohol involved this time.

So here I was. Sitting on the couch, looking forward to the day after tomorrow.

When I told Lola that they were brothers she completely freaked out. She told me how lucky I was that they weren't angry (I doubt that). It's not like I was in a relationship with them, but I dated them, right? So they had the right to be a little bit angry and I'm sure they were.

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