11. All clear now

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"How can I face Dave after this?!" I plopped down on the couch, running my hands through my long dark hair.

The only thing James had done from after the kiss until now, was stupidly grin. I had not only kissed him back, also did I not regret it. I couldn't believe he had actually done that. Seen James grin I think this went better than he expected it to go.

I feel like I'm playing the main character in a bad soap.

To be honest I'm not sure if I regret the kiss. It's just... I don't want to be a cheater and I'm not, but I kinda feel like one now.

James sat down next to me. "Just like you normally do?" That was more a question than advice. "Believe me, I feel guilty too."

I scoffed. "Yeah right."

James could've changed his mind when he thought of this stupid idea, when he came here and when he saw me. I, on the other hand, had no time to actually realize what was going on.

"Why is it so hard for you?" James suddenly asked frustration laced in his tone. "We kissed. I like you. You like me. What's the problem?"

I turned my body towards him and fidgeted with my fingers, not really sure how to explain my feelings. "It's not always that easy." I looked down. "My last boyfriend and I broke up pretty nasty. Not something I want to experience again. So for a few years I was just single, working and not interested." I sighed deeply.

"But then I met you in the Starbucks and it just clicked. Then I went for a run and Dave and I fell in the mud and it just clicked too." I wasn't sure why I was telling him all of this. "The point is-"

"You met Dave in the mud?" James was laughing annoyingly cute.

"You just can't help laugh huh." I rolled my eyes. "The point is I want to make a choice I know I won't regret and not end up like last time." I finished.

James laughter died and the expression on his face showed me he had indeed listened to my story and not only the mud part. "I guess that makes sense. But did this kiss really make no difference whatsoever?"

I smiled uncomfortably. A voice in my head screamed YES IT DID, but I didn't give into it.

"Oh come on, I'm the hotter Franco brother." James said with fake arrogance when I didn't answer him.

"I'm gonna have to disagree with you." I stifled a laugh I rubbed my chin like and looked up, like I was thinking really hard.

James scooted over closer to me. "And now?" I laughed and shook my head.

"Not funny." Though I chuckled slightly.

"Wrong answer." James chuckled and I noticed how close he was to me now.

His hands shot towards me and he tickled me. I bursted out in laugher, because I can't stand tickling and I tried to slap his hands away.

"Stop! P-please." I laughed trying to remove his hands. James was way stronger and there was absolutely no point in trying to stop him.

Just when I thought I couldn't handle more tickling James retreated smirking. "Fine, but I need to ask you something."

"Go ahead." I inhaled deeply, trying to recover from his attack.

"I'm going to New York next week and before I leave, I'd like you to come over and have dinner."

That would be a bad idea. "I really don't thi-"

"Hear me out first." James interrupted me. "Dave and I, we need to talk to you about something important." He said vaguely.

"You talked to him about this?" I asked cautiously.

Torn Between (a James and Dave Franco FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now