4. Unique surprises

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"Where are you taking me?" James tapped his fingers on his leg over and over again, trying to get me to tell him where I was taking him. I was not going to give in though.

"You really can't stand surprises can you?" I smiled smugly at the sight of him. James nodded his head slightly, sighing exaggeratedly.

I took a turn and drove on a more quiet road. With my eyes on the road, I quickly laid my hand on his to make the tapping stop. It made me so damn nervous to the point I was going to crash his car into a tree if he wouldn't stop.

I only met James once before and was already showing him one of the most precious places in my life, but I felt like I could trust him with this. It actually wasn't even a secret, but just a silent place I came a lot.

I went there to get inspiration, to relax and think, or just  to enjoy the silence of no one near you. I  promised to show him the, in my opinion, most beautiful spot in LA, but it felt kind of weird.

Showing someone I barley knew a place where I deal with all of my personal things was not something I'd normally do. In this short time of period I'd got to know him a bit and I just hoped I wouldn't regret trusting him.

I looked over to him shortly, "It's beautiful there you know." I sighed deeply, "Can you please not tell anyone about this place?"

I stopped the car on an abandoned parking lot and got my hand of his to open the door. 

"Don't worry, I won't." he smiled reassuringly and I noticed the excitement in his eyes when I told him it was a secret place.

I got out of the car. "I found this place when I tried to go hiking." I chuckled to myself at the memory. "Everybody always walks down the path, but I got wanted to try something different."

"In other words, you got lost?" He cocked up his eyebrow and I laughed. He was totally right.

"Yup." James laughed too, "It should take us about ten minutes to get there."

We walked down the trail. The way down was always easier than the walk up.

Talking with James felt so natural, like I'd known him for years. He told me these lame jokes, which where so bad they made me laugh and little by little I got to know more about his work. I was happy he was willing to share some of his new ideas for stories with me. Honestly, they were pretty amazing. 

When James started talking about his favorite books, his whole face lit up. It made the bags under his eyes disappear slightly. I couldn't help but notice how tired and stressed he looked most of the time.

The first time I met him the bags under his eyes were really obvious, he was still very handsome though. Now it seemed like he had gotten some good sleep last week, because those baga were less obvious than before. Again I decided to not say anything and ask him later.

"How do you even remember this trail?" James asked. After all those times I came here I kind of just remembered, although the first few time were a bit of an adventure. 

"I've been coming here for years now." I almost tripped over a thick branch, but James caught my wrist before I could fall. "Thanks." I smiled and pointed at the tree line, "We're here!" 

I quickened my pace and shoved aside some branches. I walked out in the sun, and threw off my shoes on the beach along with my bag.

"This is pretty amazing." James looked around probably astonished by the beauty of this place. The sea was clear blue and the sand yellow and warm. There was a small waterfall next to us, which discharged in the sea.

Torn Between (a James and Dave Franco FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now