22. Tea time

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"Do you, I mean would you like to be my.. eh... girlfriend?"

My jaw dropped for a good 10 seconds. I expected something good, maybe a second date, but hadn't prepared for him asking me to be his girlfriend.

I opened my mouth to say the first thing that came to me, 'I'D LOVE TO BE YOUR GIRLFRIEND!', but quickly closed it, because that would definitely get Dave creeped out.

When Dave expectantly looked at me I realized I still hadn't given him my answer. "Yes" I goofily grinned to his relief.

Before he say anything else, I pressed my lips on his.

At first he freezed, surprised by my sudden affection, but within a second Dave started kissing me back. Of course we kept it short and PG because we were in public, but it still made me feel all warm and tingly.

I think we both had a slight feeling were this night would end, because by the time the waiter came so serve our dinner we were both grinning like idiots, only taking our eyes of each other to thank the waiter.

The waiter's mood visibly brightened too by our overly happy smiles.

"This is sow gawd!" I exclaimed and pointed towards my the perfectly prepared turbot, which I had just taken a bite of.

I was not really aware of the food in my mouth until Dave started laughing. "Didn't your mom tell you not to talk with your mouth full." He teased.

"Ha Ha, very funny." I tried to sound annoyed, but the small smile playing on my lips betrayed me and I started laughing with him. "Normally I'm very neat though."

Dave took a bite out of his turbot too and had almost the same reaction as I did. Only Dave didn't have any food in his mouth. "You're right. This is amazing." He nodded enthusiastically, which made him look unbelievably cute.

When Dave was playing with his cats or doing something else he loved you saw sparkles in his eyes. He always laughed in a typical 'Davey' way which automatically made me happy and laugh too.

Silently we both finished our turbot (it's a fish species btw). Dave was so busy with stuffing all the food in his mouth that it gave me a little time just to study him. That sounded a lot more creepy than it really was.

In these few months I had known him I became really attached to him. I can't really imagine my life without his funny jokes and sweet surprises anymore. I think, scratch that, I was definitely falling in love with him. I constantly seemed to think about him and I couldn't get him out of my mind. Even a little good morning text from Dave made my heart skip a beat.

Dave was sweet and always thought about others. Never had I seen him taking advantage of his fame or act arrogant and cocky in any way.

I did notice him starting to feel more and more comfortable in my presence. At first he must've been really cautious, because he didn't know if I maybe could be a fan who faked everything. He was still a bit cautious after the whole 'YOU'RE FAMOUS?!' incident, mostly because I kinda was going out with two guys, aka Dave and James.

Ugh, I'm never doing something like that ever again.

I never paid much attention to the media, but after I was spotted with Dave on the Met-gala red carpet almost all the comments I received on my blog were about me and Dave. People asked if we were together, and sometimes even threatened me to keep my hands off of him. Though most comments said that we were cute together, which actually made me smile.

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