19. Termination

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"You weren't so sure yet when you left for NY." James eyes blasted with fury and is noticed him clenching his fists, "Something happened between you and Dave?" It was more of a statement.

The question was answered when my cheeks turned a deep shade red. I let my eyes wonder to my fidgetings finger and tried to think about anything but that night.

I wasn't going to discuss the events that took place on my trip. Surely not with James!

He would be even more pissed if he heard about that. I don't know if I still would've told James like this if I knew he'd react like this, but at least he didn't know that I slept with Dave.

"The only thing I need to say about that is that I'm with Dave, but I don't want to talk about me and him. I came here to talk about us." I finally said, trying to

"I'm sure you know there is no 'us' anymore." He pointed between me and him. James fury turned into annoyance, which made me feel even worse.

I stopped myself from rolling my eyes and saying 'That's exactly what I came to tell you.' But James didn't deserve that. He deserved much better than me.

I sighed in defeat and looked out of the window for a moment, so I could hold myself together without letting a sob escape. I couldn't break down. Not in front of him and especially not right now. It was already hard enough for me to end it like this. What if he would comfort me and I'd suddenly change my mind?

I finally mustered up the courage to say what I wanted to say. "Look James, I get that you're annoyed and angry right now, but I can't keep doing this to you. For all I know it could've been me and Dave sitting here, but we are. You are so important to me and even though we can not be lovers, we can still be friends. Really, I get it if you're not interested and want me to leave you alone. I just want us to be able to talk like normal people after this. Mostly because I value what we have so much."

The annoyed look slipped of his face and was replaced by something close to sadness for a short amount of time. "You know how difficult that would be for me to be 'just' friends?" He questioned rather harshly.

I flinched and to my surprise I felt myself nod. I sighed deeply and avoided James gaze, "I know. It's not easy for me either!" A few heads turned into our direction before continuing sipping of their coffees again.

"God dammit!" I cursed under my breath. James looked confused. I don't think he could make any sense of what I was saying right now.

I knew if I would stay any longer in his presence I would say things I'd later regret, so I hastily picked up my stuff and turned around to exit the Starbucks. "I'm really sorry it has to be this way James. I'll see you around."

I walked out the door without glancing backwards. I needed to leave immediately, so when I caught sight of my car I rushed to it.

Somewhere behind me I heard heavy footsteps. I knew who's they were, but I didn't want to think about his presence behind me.

He closed in on me and just before I reached my car, James spun me around to face him.

Before I could respond to any of his action, he pushed his lips on mine.

For a moment I was too shocked to do anything, but his soft lips, delicious scent and the strong hand around my wrist made me immobile to doing anything else than reacting to his kiss. His kisses made me forget reality and I thought about nothing else than the feeling of his body pressed against mine. His strong hold made my legs jelly and...

"No!" I pushed him off me. I was breathless and shocked. Not only because of James actions, but my own. I had kissed him back. I was compelled to do only that. Even if it was for less than a second, I still did it.

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